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Kool Aid Man

06/13/19 12:52 AM

#83041 RE: Gemma #83040

Remember back in 2017 Josh touted

Blue Diamond is working closely with Jillian Sidoti, of Trowbridge Sidoti LLP to develop the Michigan Growth investment package and we expect to launch the fund within the month of July. Additional updates will follow soon.

As I recall he hired them to slap together some documents that would allow him to legally solicit private funds from others in exchange lord knows what. More?:

It's doubtful if he ever put those documents to work since that would require skills (a compelling personality, energy and salesmanship) that he clearly lacks. As a result, not one MJ grow facility was ever built by him. Hell he couldn't even generate funds to build one for a licensed grower --Quality Green-- even after they gave HIM a $25,000 deposit!!!! Worse still, ever since the June 30, 2018 quarterly reports he's had to admit--

"Blue Diamond Ventures, Inc. has an outstanding debt to Quality Green Inc. for $25,000.00"

That was 18 months or so after taking their money given to him in good faith and he's yet to repay it.


06/13/19 9:56 AM

#83046 RE: Gemma #83040

You are right, AMS would have been a great deal! Initially that is what raised pps to .0056, BLDV failed to get them the funding they needed.
I figured after BLDV lost them that some other would pick them up,
as Kool Aid Man said, a while back it was a building with interior work needed, I figured (after BLDV lost them) that work had begun inside, I did some deep DD, researched the construction company working, talked with a reporter lady that had done story on AMS, saw AMS was hiring positions (you don't hire unless you are near go-time) all in all, I calculated AMS had found her funder.

Then of course BLDV could of had that gem and lost Cann10 which also could have been a great connect, BLDV seems to be cash poor and you can't do anything without $$$