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06/12/19 8:01 AM

#87505 RE: dina25 #87504

thank you for queefing a lot of meaningless words, pumptard FOOL...


06/12/19 8:28 AM

#87506 RE: dina25 #87504

Stop after the first sentence cause that part is correct. The rest of that post you can toss out as only a dreamed up statement. This useless scam will never see .0006 EVER....WOW! They don't have $10 to its name outside whatever dilution money they pick up every day, that's about it for income for sure. They build nothing, produce nothing, service nothing and sell nothing, they have not 1 employee outside of the scammers running this. My grand daughters lemonade stand last weekend made more in legit income then this scam did all of last year... "A fool and his money are soon parted"!


06/12/19 9:03 AM

#87507 RE: dina25 #87504

The problem here is: Traders have done their DD and that's why no one is interested. You should tell them to "NOT" DO THEIR OWN DD. That's what killings this scam....LMAO!!!

PLUS... It's always at NO BID!