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06/12/19 12:24 PM

#6346 RE: Monroe1 #6345

It's available through the SEC website on the legal section, it is an administrative action so it is different than a lawsuit

IIRC, it was for an improper sale of stock, a huge block

so now they're stuck with the same unmarketable process, making ZERO revenue, zero interested parties, zero communication with shareholders

and it looks like they're headed to grey sheet, the only place lower than a non-reporting pink sheet

IMO, it's not even worth looking up the details because BFRE is TOAST ...

... and has been toast for years despite wishful thinking that was based on smoke and mirrors to begin with

whatever anyone is able to get for their shares now is all they will ever get

the stock will be totally worthless when they get delisted and that will be soon

investors can recall the better days when it was 100 shares of BFRE for a buck

now it's 100 shares for less than 5 cents, literally worth less that the paper it would be printed on

I've been right about this company from the beginning, I'm ALWAYS right

right newmanspencer?
