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06/11/19 3:44 PM

#22139 RE: stoflat #22095

I KNEW it was one of you fine people who had mentioned it, (I just couldn't remember who! ;)--NBY buyers are crying the blues today, it went screaming down as fast as it hauled butt up, (I'm not crying tho, still up 50%--woot! woot!)--I think it will be ok once everything settles--I'm guessing the day traders were having a field day today. I saw that several on the V*$t board were also talking about <VR^S>--also on the ticker buzz cloud. Thought it was interesting so picked up a few. I tend to stay away from those penny stocks since I've gotten KILLED numerous times, but I was intrigued, so we shall see.

Considering what's coming for CVM, I figured our little "down" day today would be an awesome opportunity to pick up a few more shares, so I grabbed another 2500. CVM is going to make me awfully rich, or put me into a REALLY BAD MOOD!!! LOL. But I want to make sure I have enough shares to come to the big celebration party if that's how things end up---would love to meet and shake hands, hell even give a big HUG to some of you here who have provided such great insight and smart posting on this stock!!