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06/10/19 12:16 PM

#57837 RE: Net-Man #57834

Wow folks! Wait a minute. It's Panjak as I called him years ago... Correct me here if I am wrong, but this is same fellow who was CFO of Dry Ships back about 7-8 years ago and I remember well a public touted conf call with him in February of that year. I was there too. DRYS was around 3.00 a share I believe it was then, and this Panjak then stated "By September we expect to see our PPS go to 15.00/share",... It never did happen, many global investors poured in to buy DRYS stock, but what happened was a massive series of R/S thereafter for several years in fact. Many (including myself) filed countless complaints with SEC, Feds, etc and were real pissed as we all bought DRYS stock and lost everything back then...