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06/07/19 3:50 PM

#20268 RE: Pharaoh-1 #20266

Yep, those are honest questions.

In reality, he doesn’t have to listen to us at all. In fact he probably did what many CEOs of regular companies do (and I worked for several) and listened to their people, spoke to those in the know and either took advice or dropped it.

It actually speaks well of someone’s character to “consider” advice. He may have followed what his dad said, or his lawyer or some other super expert. Neither you nor I know. All we know is it may be coincidently the same think being said by some on here.

That’s it. No need to read any more into it than that


06/07/19 4:35 PM

#20271 RE: Pharaoh-1 #20266

Just to be fair - I'll throw in my two cents.

I do not give Matthew advice, only encouragement tempered with any concerns I have and requests for information (RFI), which, by the way, has only resulted in about two or three responses outside of Twitter. In fact, the ONE time I did give Matthew what I considered to be good advice he firmly and respectfully reminded me of his position as the CEO (as he should). Matthew is not a pushover and I respect him for that. One more in fact, he has handled his Twitter RFIs from nagging shareholders (including myself at times) very professionally when anyone of us on here would have blown up months ago. And then when he does respond - O.M.G. - Matthew's correspondence is drive the SP down! (ROFL)

Our opinions differ here, but I think that Matthew is doing a fine job still. A lot of what I've said is in general - not about you specifically.

My plans haven't changed folks. The company is well on its way still imo. We haven't seen how - what I personally think will be their money makers - the mass market will respond to their supplements, oils, Nexus and even the Advantego soundbar. Every new retail agreement they lock in (more on the way btw) and every clinic they open brings in revenues. Some call that pumping, but I call it the company sharing their global vision for the company with the market. Additionally we haven't even seen what Kevin Harrington and Connectpreneur can do for Innerscope. SO MUCH on the way. I hope to see all of us blown away here on what Matthew is capable of bc their are still NDA's in play and we can't know everything going on behind the scenes.

Best of luck to all!


06/07/19 5:43 PM

#20275 RE: Pharaoh-1 #20266

"What CEO takes advice from random people he has never met nor he knows their qualifications?"

There's a difference between taking advice and listening to feedback. I would think Matt is doing the latter.

Have a good weekend Pharaoh.