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06/07/19 10:20 AM

#43769 RE: LGL8054 #43768 of the first rules of law taught in the 1st year of law school is...............NO EVIDENCE IS NOT EVIDENCE......................

.......accordingly, be patient, please................uwbi HOLDCO and its NOL tax benefits were SOLD TO FC.......................based upon a formula................................a tad shady, but that's how the game is played..........................little bitty NOBODY uwbi shareholders ain't got no say in the matter.....................

......btw, we had a big commercial loan to a mobile home owner and manager..............when a tenant got too far behind in their rent and weren't cooperating..........................the owner FORK-LIFTED their trailer upside down.............seriously................hardball in the real world, sirs.........................

...........SO BEHAVE, please................longer chase = better catch..........................frankie wants this nightmare closed more than you me on that.................give the opinion waiver, larry.........................I'm a wee bit nauseous.......too much cheap wine last night........................................