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11/19/06 6:21 AM

#179604 RE: arconway #179429

Hello, Arconway.. I also agree with Janniebegood the AF do exist.

Remember you are always welcome to open up a Canadian Account and SHORT SLJB if you really feel the AF do not exist.

Think off all the money you can make when you drive the PPS to .001 Maybe less.

But before you go short.. Think about this.. If the AF are real and are forth coming as I suspect after hours and hours of calls and talking to many who I feel are more in the Loop than I am.

Your LOOSES can be many times what you stand to gain..

There is much more to this story than myself and many are aware of..The timing of the Windsor Article and the one sided Negative slant to the Article towards PV.. Lead me to feel that some people who stand to loose Millions of dollars upon the release of the AF finally got to someone.

In some of my previous postings. I mentiond to all that some very desperate people who where Naked Short just might be willing to say or do most anything to get the PPS to drop so they could cover.

In my Honest opinion this is what hanpened this past Thursday. No way the Delay in the AF can cause the PPS to drop to .01 withing 10 min after the open.. This was a planned attack staged by some very desperate Hedge Funds to get back some of the shares they so desperately need to cover..

I guess it all boils donw to this coming week.. If the AF are not out or we do not see a Honest PR from PV stating what has actually transpired.. Then your assumption of this being a Scam must be correct..

I like so many others kinda got caught up in all the emotion of this past week.. I did sell some of my shares.. However after stoping to make the calls and get enough additional info.. I then repurchased all of those shares at a lower PPS thus increasing my overall position.

I have control of my own personal shares 750,000 and control over some other family and friends shares.. Well over a million shares in total..So I do stand to make or loose money. For now I am long this stock.. Thats my current call..

I am prepared to buy additional shares early this week upon the release of the AF.. I am also just as prepared to walk away from my investment in SLJB if I feel this was in all honesty a Scam from the very start.. I am not to that point.. There is more to this story than many of us are aware of.

I am in no way trying to make excuses for Petar Vucicevich.. I am not happy with how he has handled the release of the AF.

Like so many others I am hopefull that Petar rethinks his past actions and explains whats happened or steps aside as CEO and lets someone else run the company from the top..

In all Honesty I have to say My Spirits were Broken last week.. I did loose some sleep over this.. I felt all the pain of so many others. For now I have to live with my own actions and do what I feel is in my best interest..

Everyone must be accountable for there own actions.. Although it's easy to Blame someone else for ones own mistakes. No one but a Gun to my head to forced me to buy SLJB.. I did it thru my own actions and will not blame anyone else other than myself for my failures or success in life..

For now all I can do is watch and wait..GLTA. FFB-Fish