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06/05/19 7:17 PM

#14873 RE: Stock_Barber #14870

“Now we see it is up by almost 1M! - True!”


If you are just now seeing this information sure “Now we see” statement makes sense,

But as for the rest of us that stay up to date with the latest due diligence the non restricted number of 51,852,101 is OLD NEWS! THE FLOAT HAS REMAINED THE SAME!

FALSE FALSE FALSE! Your article should
be called Top 25 opinions about CarSmartt

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06/16/19 9:30 PM

#16185 RE: Stock_Barber #14870

Top 25 list of BS is more like it.

Top 25 TRUTHS about CRSM (updated)

1) CRSM is broke - True per their filings. - They did tell us they were funding it themselves, out of pocket. I wouldnt expect them to collectively dump their life savings into the business account....thats just not the way it works.

2) CRSM's business plan of only charging 10% cannot succeed! True, but it will take a little time to prove it... while OBVIOUS it is simply too early to prove it with numbers because they haven't reported any. I wouldnt say its "OBVIOUS". You don't know their expenditures yet.

3) The company has filed a Form D to raise $1M by selling shares. - True They have also said, many times, that they will NOT be selling ANY shares in the near future. When was the form D filed? Have we seen any dilution? (hint, no we havent)

4) Insiders are not paid salaries - True per their filings. Um, this is a good thing. They believe in the company and are trying to build it with old fashioned hard work, with the understanding that they are on to something big and MIGHT see a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow?

5) The front page of their website has a HUGE banner trying to sell 25% discounted shares - True! Which they havent yet sold any. They have said on multiple accounts that they are waiting for a much higher share price before they sell these RESTRICTED shares.

6) All employees are working double duty promoting their shares on social media - True and obvious. Hrm, I haven't seen much share promotion...I have seen promotion of the app and service, which is good. Hell, I'm good with them promoting the ticker along with it.

7) The company did multiple paid promos on the last spike - True. Please show proof. I check the PnD lists for paid promos. NO CRSM

8) The company is ridiculously overvalued at $50M+ - True by any objective valuation method. Quick, name a popular ticker that isn't extremely overvalued. The stock market is all about anticipation and future value. 50M market cap is nothing if they gain market share

9) Most startups fail in the first year - True Fine. Still some succeed.

10) There are dozens of larger ride sharing companies all better funded and years of operation under their belt - True Dozens? I don't care if 50 have failed, only takes one to get it right.

11) Uber & Lyft Drivers are NOT switching to CarSmartt, t
hey are just adding one more App. - True Thats all we need, and hope they do. Until there are more users, just having it installed and pulling it up once in a while is a GREAT start.

12) The audit and OTCQB claim are bullshit - True... wait for it. Audits are expensive, and they don't have enough beneficial shareholders to qualify for the OTCQB! How many beneficial shareholders do they have? I think they need 50. How much DD have you done on this?

13) CarSmartt Canada is fictional and never paid the company $1M! - Zero evidence that company is real and the financials show a $1M payment never happened! Still have to check this one.

14) The "background check" for drivers is highly suspect. - True! They simply can't afford to do it on all applicants. Probably just a check box asking if the driver has ever been convicted of a felony! Tell me how you know they arent doing it? My application sat at the background check phase for almost 4 days. They also announced a 3rd party they contracted with to perform the bg checks for them. I'm seriously doubting your intentions, and the accuracy of your statements.

15) They do not use blockchain and crypto to reduce their costs - True! Their crypto ICO crashed and burned! The ICO is still open. I have no idea how much that have or have not raised with it.

16) The float is only verified by company Tweets and they claimed it was unchanged. Now we see it is up by almost 1M! - True! Hrm, the TA has confirmed it as well.

17) The company claimed Miningboys was a huge success also, and they shuttered it just a few months later - True! I'm not concerned with MiningBoys. From my reading, they made a few bucks off it. It does often take many failures before realizing success.

18) This shell has STRONG ties to serial pink sheet scammers - True! Many shells do. The CEO of Carsmartt however, does not.

19) Their claims about a fleet of self-driving cars with Archer Robotics and Aitheon are false - both those companies are also highly suspect of being total scams! Yeah, this one actually holds water. Archer and Aithon both seem defunct. I would not expect this to come to fruition any time in the foreseeable future.

20) The YIELD sign was entirely due to company incompetence - True. Did they make a mistake, yes, but they FIXED it. They addressed it, and got it taken care of. Mistakes happen, I'm ok with it at this early juncture. The fact that they said they would fix it, kept us updated, and followed through speaks volumes.

21) Shorts don't exist here - True. Correct...why would you short this? The absence of shorts brings more strength to the story! Truth be told, short interested has decreased by 88% (but it wasnt much to begin with).

22) The Joker Group's makeup is a total mystery - True! Probably relates to #18! Cant really say its a total mystery, then speculate on what it is, then add it to a document of "truths".

23) The mysterious "Joker Group" owns 1M preferred shares of CRSM and they refuse to explain the conversion ratio to common! - True! Hrm, I'll do some DD on this. Have you asked the TA?

24) The company has failed to inform shareholders about material events - True! They closed Miningboys and never mentioned it! Again, I don't care about MiningBoys. I dont think anyone is here for that.

25) The claim that H. Wayne Hayes is not involved in CRSM anymore - BWAHAHA! You have proof otherwise? How is this a list of truths?
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06/29/19 6:03 PM

#17057 RE: Stock_Barber #14870

I'm just interested in adding the app with Uber and Lyft.
Reason 11.
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08/02/19 6:55 PM

#18983 RE: Stock_Barber #14870

400m os at .04. This is way overvalued.
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07/27/20 10:22 AM

#23158 RE: Stock_Barber #14870

Top 25 TRUTHS about CRSM

1) CRSM is broke - Read their filings.
2) CRSM's business plan of only charging 10% cannot succeed! It has already failed... read any filing!
3) The company has filed a Form D to raise $1M by selling shares.
4) Insiders are not paid salaries. Read their filings.
5) The front page of their website has a HUGE banner trying to sell 35% discounted shares
6) All employees are working double duty promoting their shares on social media.
7) The company has done multiple paid promos in the past.
8) The company is ridiculously overvalued at $7M+.
9) Most startups fail in the first year. CRSM has failed.
10) There are dozens of larger ride sharing companies all better funded and years of operation under their belt
11) Uber & Lyft Drivers are NOT switching to CarSmartt... revenues show less earnings that a hot dog stand.
12) Past discussions of an audit and moving to OTCQB were all bullshit!
13) The PR about CarSmartt Canada was a lie! They never paid the company $1M as claimed. The financials prove a $1M payment never happened! And the company doesn't exist... even today!
14) The "background check" for drivers must be paid for by the drivers themselves!
15) They do not use blockchain and crypto to reduce their costs Their crypto ICO crashed and burned!
16) The OS keeps climbing with dilution.
17) The company claimed Miningboys was a huge success also, and they shuttered it just a few months later.
18) This shell has STRONG ties to serial pink sheet scammers.
19) Their claims about a fleet of self-driving cars with Archer Robotics and Aitheon are false - both those companies are also highly suspect of being total scams! Over a year later, and this garbage has never been mentioned again!
20) The previous YIELD sign was entirely due to company incompetence.
21) Shorts don't exist here.
22) The Joker Group's makeup is a total mystery.
23) The mysterious "Joker Group" owns 1M preferred shares of CRSM and they refuse to explain the conversion ratio to common!
24) The company has failed to inform shareholders about material events. They closed Miningboys and never mentioned it!
25) OTC Markets has a "Shell Warning" on CRSM!

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02/22/21 4:35 PM

#23988 RE: Stock_Barber #14870

Man... nailed it almost 2 years ago:

Top 25 TRUTHS about CRSM (updated)

1) CRSM is broke - True per their filings.
2) CRSM's business plan of only charging 10% cannot succeed! True, but it will take a little time to prove it... while OBVIOUS it is simply too early to prove it with numbers because they haven't reported any.
3) The company has filed a Form D to raise $1M by selling shares. - True
4) Insiders are not paid salaries - True per their filings.
5) The front page of their website has a HUGE banner trying to sell 25% discounted shares - True!
6) All employees are working double duty promoting their shares on social media - True and obvious.
7) The company did multiple paid promos on the last spike - True
8) The company is ridiculously overvalued at $50M+ - True by any objective valuation method
9) Most startups fail in the first year - True
10) There are dozens of larger ride sharing companies all better funded and years of operation under their belt - True
11) Uber & Lyft Drivers are NOT switching to CarSmartt, they are just adding one more App. - True
12) The audit and OTCQB claim are bullshit - True... wait for it. Audits are expensive, and they don't have enough beneficial shareholders to qualify for the OTCQB!
13) CarSmartt Canada is fictional and never paid the company $1M! - Zero evidence that company is real and the financials show a $1M payment never happened!
14) The "background check" for drivers is highly suspect. - True! They simply can't afford to do it on all applicants. Probably just a check box asking if the driver has ever been convicted of a felony!
15) They do not use blockchain and crypto to reduce their costs - True! Their crypto ICO crashed and burned!
16) The float is only verified by company Tweets and they claimed it was unchanged. Now we see it is up by almost 1M! - True!
17) The company claimed Miningboys was a huge success also, and they shuttered it just a few months later - True!
18) This shell has STRONG ties to serial pink sheet scammers - True!
19) Their claims about a fleet of self-driving cars with Archer Robotics and Aitheon are false - both those companies are also highly suspect of being total scams!
20) The YIELD sign was entirely due to company incompetence - True.
21) Shorts don't exist here - True.
22) The Joker Group's makeup is a total mystery - True! Probably relates to #18!
23) The mysterious "Joker Group" owns 1M preferred shares of CRSM and they refuse to explain the conversion ratio to common! - True!
24) The company has failed to inform shareholders about material events - True! They closed Miningboys and never mentioned it!
25) The claim that H. Wayne Hayes is not involved in CRSM anymore - BWAHAHA!