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06/05/19 3:57 PM

#265127 RE: george h #265126

Tomorrow would be a perfect day to drop a bomb on our enemy! Go IPIX!!!
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Blue Fin

06/05/19 4:59 PM

#265132 RE: george h #265126

Couldn't be better timing. IMO, Perfect!
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06/05/19 5:44 PM

#265136 RE: george h #265126

“What better timing could there be than for Leo to announce a Big Deal with Big Pharma tomorrow morning?“

Hope you are right, but I highly doubt it. More likely he’ll announce that a number of unnamed pharmas expressed a lot of interest in indications(unnamed) and that further negotiations are likely to follow.

In the meantime, this will continue to be the “ Pacific Heights” of stock investments, a stock manipulated by “those who know”.
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06/05/19 6:57 PM

#265142 RE: george h #265126

Please, don’t disparage the huge sacrifices of D-Day to manipulators of a stock. Truth prevailed then, and hopefully in this case. Never the less, disingenuous to even attempt to compare.

For those interested in service, the story of one man’s ww2 experience, as well as his obit(be sure to read the comments).

2010 story-

One paragraph, which says a lot about Morgan(and the men and women of that time):

Charlie Lieberth, who was a headquarters company soldier in my unit, was very badly wounded in Normandy. He was probably struck by explosives fired by an 88-millimeter from a tank. He was bleeding and had fractures and shrapnel throughout. I rushed to his aid, and of course, the main thing is to stop the bleeding. In those days we used tourniquets and as I was working on him, administering first aid, a German tank started coming down the road and Charlie recognized this. All of a sudden he said, “Morgan, get the hell out of here! This tank’s coming along the road, there’s no point in both of us being killed!” I just kept concentrating on taking care of Charlie; there’s no way I was going to leave him, and he kept saying, “Get out of here! Get out of here.” I must have said, “Charlie, I’m not leaving.” And finally the tank — we were on the side of the road — the tank was even with us on the road, the cover of the turret opened, and a German sticks his head out of the tank and he looks down at us. Charlie says, “Oh, my God! They’re going to get us both! They’re going to kill us both!” All of a sudden the German pulled the cover shut, and the tank took off. And Charlie said, “Well, there is some honor on the battlefield after all.”

Morgan April, 2019 obit-

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06/05/19 7:24 PM

#265144 RE: george h #265126

What are the odds. I say it’s not going to happen because it would show up in the volume.

Hope springs eternal!