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06/05/19 1:43 PM

#91065 RE: mo-money2000 #91058

I knew I had seen this before. So the ripoff report says...

"Steven and Greg Rotman have lied repeatedly to the investment world. Their lies are as follows-

1. Rotman claimed that the net profit of his furniture store was 19%, then claimed that he never gave investors the number.

2. Rotman told investors that the outstanding share count was relatively unchanged, then it was revealed that the company has deceitfully diluted shareholder equity by over 300%.

3. Rotman issued a PR saying that an "up to 250 million share" buyback was "authorized", when in fact the company had no cash for any "buyback".

4. Rotman repeatedly gives insider information to select shareholders in emails and on phone calls without announcing the information in a public press release.

5. Rotman issued a press release claiming that an "institutional investor" had purchased $200,000 of VYST shares at .15. This was touted as an example of confidence from the investment world. The 10q report revealed that a toxic financier group, which DID NOT meet the definition of "institutional investor" received over 30,000,000 shares of VYST at an average price of .006.

6. Rotman is actively hiding the OS from investors by disallowing the transfer agent from giving information to shareholders.

7. Rotman refuses to abide by securities laws and release 8k reports detailing material events that are announce via twitter, email, or phone calls."

Now read post 90093

"A few things to comment on here...

Regarding Point #1

If Rotman told you an expected net profit margin of 19% he is in violation of Reg FD as that was non-public material information. Does not matter how it was taken or that he wasn't committing to it. He proffered the number. That is "guidance" and it was not, and has not been, publicly disclosed. If he is also denying to others he told you this, it would also be an indication that he knows he crossed a line.

Regarding Point #2

There was massive dilution in the first quarter and through May 15, 2019. The filings are quite clear on this.

OS on December 31 was 457,747,818
OS on May 15, 2019 was 1,041,770,559

Rotman's earlier statement led people to believe that it was unchanged.

The company diluted close to 600,000,000 shares. That was a surprise.

There was NO disclosure of that amount of dilution in January. It only became clear when they HAD to disclose in the 10K. Rotman's "explanation" rings hollow.

Regarding Point #3

The "buyback" in a penny pump narrative. Of course the company "authorized". Nobody has said they didn't. The company could authorize the acceptance of a buyout offer from Google for $10,000,000,000 IF it ever came. See how that works? The question is their ability to carry out one. They simply can't. But Rotman even went so far as to say they "bought back" a "small" amount in the first quarter. What some inferred from that was 10's or even 100's of millions of shares. So Rotman got the reaction he wanted. Did anyone buy stock thinking it was that much? But ONCE AGAIN, when the reality had to be revealed it was a $30 purchase from an individual. THIRTY DOLLARS. Not even an open market transaction. That is how these guys work...keep some element of truth...but mislead nonetheless.

Regarding Point #4

See Point #1 above.

Regarding Point #5

Yet another example of selective truth or only partial information. The fact is that there is NOTHING in the REGULATORY filings that support this notion of a $.15 share purchase by "institutional investors". I discuss this here:

Nowhere in the 10Q is there ANY description that either supports or allows one to even "calculate" a $0.15 issuance. They ONCE AGAIN are playing games. The fact is the auditor would have reviewed the 10Q and the language used to describe the issuances. And the issuance price is easy to calculate...$0.0064 and $0.0032.

Regarding Point #6

The TA is gagged, and while the company may be willing to provide some sort of informal update on the OS while it is not changing, they have shown NO ability or intention to disclose a major issuance as they happen. One only needs to look at the OS "surprise" THREE MONTHS after the fact in the 10K to confirm this.

Regarding Point #7

See point #1 above. Regulation FD is a Securities Law, and they violated it when they told you what they believed the profit margin "could be". That is "guidance" and that sould only be disclosed to the market as a whole.

Compare point to point. Whoever wrote the ripoff report didnt even bother to change up the order of his points, LOL. Judge for yourselves.