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11/18/06 9:33 AM

#177485 RE: The_Free_Nebula #177449

The "red dot" on his jacket?

It's a poppy, a symbol for Remembrance Day? Nov. 11th? Vets sell them to raise funds? I'm a tad confused by that statement.


11/18/06 12:15 PM

#177923 RE: The_Free_Nebula #177449

The way I look at it is, who's word do we trust?

Just because Mikhail has a dispute over rent with Petar, doesn't automatically make him more credible than Petar. After all, he may be PO'd at something that Petar did LEGALLY to break the lease, and he MAY be exagerating the situation!

I have known some pretty sleazy landlords (both Commercial & Residential) over the years, so I don't really read too much into this statement by the landlord.

I would still trust the word of our CEO, over someone who I just heard about!

AND... Right now, I don't care if Petar hasn't delivered everything that he said that he would! I'll guarantee you that there are circumstances involved here that we aren't privy to, and it is pretty amatuerish to jump to conclusions prematurely!

John Good