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05/31/19 7:35 AM

#156615 RE: Stowe #156613

Hi Stowe,

In the past, it has been the exact opposite (biggest example being the delay of actually getting into Vietnam - blame and fault being Vietnam’s but I know some disagree). This is why SR and some others are so cautious and want to see the fundamentals first and actually believe the fundamentals will come behind schedule. IMO, Kim started this knowing that he could finish it. The last 3 PRs prove that I believe. AND, the other reason I think he has confidence is that he is much further along than SR and some other cautiously optimistic investors here will give him credit for right now. For SR, I don’t think it is impacting his investing decisions one bit. Although it is possible that if SR and others had the confidence that I, Col317, Banana, and even Truth ( believe he has it - all ‘curbing’ aside :-P ) have that they might be adding a bit more here.



05/31/19 7:44 AM

#156617 RE: Stowe #156613

“I truly believe that we can do it or Polartec would not of gone public after 2 years underground”

I believe you are right. However , just to play devil’s advocate, I suppose it’s possible polartec could have done the PR to help get a higher sale price. After all , they ARE for sale. Letting it be known that they have a partnership with kblb certainly doesn’t hurt the sale price and I’m sure it gets a potential buyer’s attention.

However I don’t really believe this to be the case. Too many positive catalysts lately. I really would love to see kblb buy polartec. Kim once said he was interested in buying a mill. Seems it would be a perfect merger and at 200 million , it’s doable if Kim really wants to. Of course it would mean more dilution and leverage but it’s achievable. Pure speculation , but maybe Kim expects the stock price to be much higher than it currently is based on yet to be released news of a major customer soon. That and uplisting may make buying polartec more feasible in the not too distant future.

I’ll say this again, it wasn’t the polartec Pr that got me most excited; it was Kim’s announcement that he’s on the active hunt for two independent directors. He wouldn’t have done that unless he was extremely confident that the company is finally ready for mass production and that the company already has at least one significant customer locked and loaded, imo. Or in other words, Kim is finally ready to sell product and introduce the company to Wall Street. I truly expect this stock to reach a dollar or more by end of year. This is easily a billion dollar company in the making. Finally.