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05/28/19 4:08 PM

#166275 RE: BesaoT35 #166274

Nothing will be published because there is nothing to be published. Still waiting for stuff from over 2 years ago to be published.


05/28/19 4:14 PM

#166276 RE: BesaoT35 #166274

They already have competition. Lmfao


05/28/19 4:38 PM

#166277 RE: BesaoT35 #166274

All real pharmaceutical companies publish their research.

Actually publishing their research provides more protection.

OWCP only has pumping press releases and 8-Ks.

Look at the magical tablet that OWCP is pumping as being prepared to Sativex. GWP has published all of their research and clinical data on Sativex - and OWCP hasn't published any research on the magical tablet.



05/28/19 9:25 PM

#166283 RE: BesaoT35 #166274

The fact is that company has already published research and in the right places.

WIPO and USPTO do PUBLISH IP work of the companies backed by Scientific Research.

The academia's peer-review is mainly for the Educator's show off. It doesn't make anyone a penny. It is only a Fantasyland FUD to say it is important.

A patent grant IS what makes millions or billions of dollars for the companies.

Fantasyland just does not understand that a patent approval is what ALL the public and private companies work so hard to get their IP registered and accepted by patent organizations.

A company can have hundreds of peer-review and not a single patent grant...still NO PENNY!

A company can have ONLY one granted patent and zero peer-review and make billions of dollars!

That is the difference between the peer-review publication and patent publication that Fantasyland fails to understand.


05/28/19 9:49 PM

#166284 RE: BesaoT35 #166274

Is it possible that publishing the OWC research might attract unwanted competition and that is the reason that they keep their intellectual property under wraps?

This is a good read from USPTO website. This is why companies apply for patents so they can protect their invention.

Publication of Patent Applications
Publication of patent applications is required by the American Inventors Protection Act of 1999 for most plant and utility patent applications filed on or after November 29, 2000. On filing of a plant or utility application on or after November 29, 2000, an applicant may request that the application not be published, but only if the invention has not been and will not be the subject of an application filed in a foreign country that requires publication 18 months after filing (or earlier claimed priority date) or under the Patent Cooperation Treaty. Publication occurs after the expiration of an 18-month period following the earliest effective filing date or priority date claimed by an application. Following publication, the application for patent is no longer held in confidence by the Office and any member of the public may request access to the entire file history of the application.
As a result of publication, an applicant may assert provisional rights. These rights provide a patentee with the opportunity to obtain a reasonable royalty from a third party that infringes a published application claim provided actual notice is given to the third party by applicant, and patent issues from the application with a substantially identical claim. Thus, damages for pre-patent grant infringement by another are now available.


05/29/19 9:53 AM

#166297 RE: BesaoT35 #166274

at this point when OWCP is up to its neck in water wouldn't it be wise to come out with the much wanted research report as investors have been wanting for over 2 years?? Let them be happy that they will continue as a going entity rather than a competitor potentially picking up on something. it would help if with some product on the shelves making them $250K a year. but they had to let that go too. why? I am thinking they couldn't even manage that i.e. something real.

they have nothing but a bunch of clowns for management. What gives it all away is the lack of response to shareholders. let them pay someone $25K a year to respond to shareholders.