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05/25/19 3:19 PM

#156192 RE: igotthemojo #156163

The past does not equal the future doesn't mean "don't look at the past." It means just because the past is filled with failure, etc., doesn't mean the future has to be. The past can be corrected. No need to dwell on past failures. The future can be changed. THE MESSAGE being conveyed was the point. Not necessarily the person who said it. Since it wasn't my quote, I had to give proper credit.

You're basic assumption throughout your comments is Mr. Thompson is an idiot and will continue to make idiotic decisions in your eyes. Nobody will convince you otherwise. Which is fine. To each their own. My view of him and the company is different. Obviously, right? :-)

Some will offer unconditional support until the company fully succeeds. Others will waver in their support based on the ups and downs. And another group will criticize everything the company and its personnel do, no matter what. Simplified, of course, as there are many variants to those simple personas. All are needed in giving the company its intrinsic value.

The criticisms about the company's PAST performance are warranted. All I'm conveying, though, is, IMO, those criticisms are not aligned with where the company is going in the future. Thus the reason I'm invested in the company and have suggested others do the same.

May the proof come as early as Q3/Q4. If not, I, personally, will assess my stance at that point. It would take a complete failure of the company and product for me to walk away, though. I don't think either are likely. IMHO.

GLTA!!! Go KBLB!!!