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05/24/19 11:22 PM

#41535 RE: Amatuer17 #41534

That is your opinion and many others here disagree with you. Like always though the stock is starting to show strength at this level and it needs to be pushed down more so where are your buddies to back up the B.S your pushing. You may have invested for a quick buyout but that may not happen now and I for one am glad. Leronlimab is worth way more then any BP will pay. I would love for you to attend a shareholder meeting the people in that room are not stupid and are some of the wealthiest indiviuals I have ever met. They hold more shares then everyone on this board and they are very sure about this company so continue spewing your fud and see where it gets you.


05/25/19 4:28 AM

#41537 RE: Amatuer17 #41534

With your track record (ARTH,IPIX,AVXL,MBVXQ,RDHL,KTOV,NTRP) if you like a stock it's a death knell for that companies stock price.

Has a gypsy cursed you? That's the single worst investing record I've ever seen.

After seeing that I can understand why you have such a negative view of any stock you like. But be happy, there's a light at the end of the CYDY tunnel and you may be able to finally move out of that refrigerator box under the railway trestle.