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05/24/19 4:50 PM

#166483 RE: Basaria #166480

That's probably the most civil post I've ever come across! And, in response to someone (me) who can be pretty

I won't be posting much more on this board...maybe here and there...

But I go back to my view of this stock/company, which is that it's a trading vehicle that will go up and down as a function of sentiment and manipulation - with an emphasis on the latter.

So, if you can catch the pumps and exit before the dumps, you'll do well imo.

Most folks, however, will keep buying on the pump...and then compound their error by continuing to pile in on the dump, thinking the pps is "cheap" based on a psychological anchor pinned to much higher prices...only to lose their shirt.

For me, POTN is gambling at its worst...nothing redeemable I can see in it...

Sketchy past/mgt;
Legal entanglements;
Over 200,000,000 shares dilution since last sept18;
Abnormal Capital Structure (e.g., >34k Preferred Stock convertible at .0018% of o/s shares = >400,000,000 plus more dilution;
No competitive moat and selling a commoditized product in an intensely crowded space;
They couldn't even report their EPS numbers correctly and mixed up 2018/19 figures on the quarterly statement;
Declining Revenues;
Increasing Expesnses;
De minimis cash on b.s.