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05/22/19 9:38 AM

#13640 RE: lodas #13639

Lodas their are a bunch of pictures of Ed Byrne and Bill with hemp plants taken like 2 0r 3 maybe more harvest seasons to go. Remember the videos on YouTube when Bill said he was leaving for the Ukraine. If you go on the public cen bio tech groups the pictures are there . Also to if Cen Bio was ready why aren't the company facebook pages up now?


05/22/19 9:48 AM

#13642 RE: lodas #13639

Lodas the lawsuit was just supposed to be leverage to get them a license I but now with 180 other companies licensed by health of Canada it doesn't look like they are against medical marijuana producers. Look on the health of Canada website all the licensed producers are listed there. The hemp license is called the cultivars license their are also micro licenses for the stores ( edge stores) Did Ed cripple our entire infrastructure no more aspects because they couldn't get a handle on neighbor ed lodas? I also know why Bill dropped the omb the judge told Bill to reapply for license that's why he dropped the first suit.


05/22/19 9:52 AM

#13644 RE: lodas #13639

Good points.Wish I had more confidence in this merger.I am down 4k but many other fitx shareholder down substantially more.They Believed and got sucked in.Bill had the opportunity to reapply...DIDNT