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05/21/19 10:00 PM

#155753 RE: arachnodude #155752

The dude abides, well said. I agree dude.


05/21/19 10:20 PM

#155756 RE: arachnodude #155752

One of the best commentaries on this stock and company I’ve ever read here. As one of the other posters has said repeatedly—know what you own!


05/21/19 10:37 PM

#155761 RE: arachnodude #155752

Wonderful post, 'arachnodude.' You had so many good lines that it is hard to just pick out a few. Nonetheless, the last paragraph is fantastic:

"Mr. Thompson is a Certified Genius. He's playing Chess. Not Checkers. At this point in time, his moves MUST be more strategic and covert. We're not dealing with simple widgets here. It's Spider Silk, remember? The Goo companies are not KBLB. KBLB is KBLB. The closer we get to Q3/Q4 production, the farther we distance ourselves from the others. IMO, it's that exclusive company status Mr. Thompson is working so hard to protect every day. While moving us forward. It's not easy playing offense and defense at the same time. 24/7. But he has to do it."

Exactly, and very well-said...GO KBLB!


05/21/19 11:12 PM

#155769 RE: arachnodude #155752

"This isn't a company entering a market with hundreds of other companies selling the same product."

exactly..who are we supposed to be worried about?..

"This is a company with a proprietary product with exclusive rights to sell that product."

so what are we worried about?...why cant we know more? one is asking for the recipe to the secret sauce...which in this case, there isn't one..

"Think Jobs wasn't protective of the next I-Whatever product?"

he had just said, we don't..and we really don't..

"There are many, much bigger companies out there, who would love to get their hands on the information KBLB is protecting."

and do what with it?..if kim comes out and says kblb can make silk that is 2 1/2 times stronger than spider silk, what is any other company going to do with that info?...except cry?...or try to break down our doors to make a deal?...

"You know, the ones many look up to for submitting bids to buyout KBLB."

so they might end up with an idea of just how much they will have to pay...why is that frightening?..

"Imagine how unprofessional it would look for a company's market and trade secrets to be deciphered on an IHUB Message Board."

no one expects an answer on ihub!...they expect it to be in a pr!..letter to shareholder...conference call..newsletter...

besides, have you read the previous pr's?..if we aren't worried about looking unprofessional by now, we never will be...

"The product we are backing with our investment dollars, IMHO, requires deliberate obfuscation."

maybe its time we stop cowering and hiding in a corner afraid that someone might find out something about the about we put on our big boy pants and just tell everyone what we have..assuming we have something that is half as good as what some believe..

"To have their investment dollars instantly validated."

oh no...tell me you did not say "instantly" validated?

"Look at where the company was and focus on where it is going."

a lot of people here don't have to look back to where the company was...we remember very well where it was...

"Having all the answers will come."

no one asked for all the answers..

genius, chess ,checkers and goo...yea right..ive only heard that about a thousand times over the last 10 years...


05/22/19 2:43 AM

#155783 RE: arachnodude #155752

Spot on! Well written. Superb & excellent!


05/22/19 5:28 AM

#155785 RE: arachnodude #155752

Very good post!Absolutely correct statment.....


05/22/19 6:22 AM

#155787 RE: arachnodude #155752

What an excellent post!


05/22/19 7:01 AM

#155788 RE: arachnodude #155752

Excellent, yes sir, that's why I am here. Bullseye on the post!


05/22/19 7:21 AM

#155792 RE: arachnodude #155752

l’m sorry that sounded a lot like “dear leader” propaganda of Mother Russia and China. CEO Kim Thompson “the genius” has been fumbling and bumbling around with his cocoons for almost two decades now; his missteps, deceptions, and misleading statements are well established. His newsletters were a constant embarrassment of grammatical and spelling errors. He has kept his loyal shareholders in the dark ,like mushrooms in feces , with almost complete silence from 2014 thru 2016 not because of some trade secrets but because he had tremendously failed to get into Vietnam and preferred to let his shareholders think he was storing metric tons for almost two years before finally acknowledging the obvious: he had failed. The failure is not what I have a problem with. It’s the intentional deception of shareholders by not updating them in a timely manner on material consequences. Im not buying the ‘he’s protecting company secretes ’ nonsense.

I still believe Kim is an incompetent buffoon. However , I don’t care at this point. I’m here to flip a dollar and kblb has been good to me in that sense. I also think one of the few wise things Kim did accomplish is hiring Ken Le. If shareholders are looking to worship and bow to someone, that’s the guy to do it to. Ken is really the one getting things done while Kim plays pretend scientist taking photo ops with a lab coat. Also Jon.

I’m convinced that kblb is headed to over a dollar in the near future (by 2020 imo if not by end of this year) thanks mostly to Jon and Ken’s hard work with Vietnam. I give Kim credit for hiring them. It would have happened years sooner had Kim not wasted all those years trying to go it alone with his oversized ego. The company is finally in Vietnam and I’ve become convinced that mass production is following in short order. The silk should sell itself if it’s half what Kim claims. Don’t fool yourself though. Kim has indeed deceived his shareholders repeatedly.


05/22/19 7:56 AM

#155800 RE: arachnodude #155752

Outstanding post dude!!!



05/22/19 8:18 AM

#155813 RE: arachnodude #155752

KUDOS arachnodude - you nailed it. KBLB is not a "one trick penny stock pony".

Best regards - yankee