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~ Blue ~

05/26/19 8:41 PM

#100933 RE: ~ Blue ~ #100093

CMGO will receive 2.75 Million Dollars from The Settlement in the next 2.5 years. Each Month about 90,000 dollars cash.

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05/27/19 7:50 AM

#100975 RE: ~ Blue ~ #100093

CMGO :) watch$
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~ Blue ~

05/27/19 2:06 PM

#101020 RE: ~ Blue ~ #100093

He didn't sell when it hit about 3 cents MOUHANED KHOURY still holding 27,990,616 Million Shares.
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06/17/19 3:05 PM

#104556 RE: ~ Blue ~ #100093

This stock is a fraud and going down to 000’s. Best to wait for 000’s
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06/18/19 2:48 PM

#104867 RE: ~ Blue ~ #100093

Blue... more buying will come in.. but let the PR's hit first before that estimate.

I like dollar stocks disguised as pennies.

I like quarter stocks disguised as sub-pennies.

Yes, Glenn is done with RICO win & has that guaranteed HB monthly cash donation to the balance sheet. There's no denying that.

He said it as clear as it gets WHO he's going after now. If there truly is an NSS out there, Glenn can have them in serious hot water. That's the only way it gets to 50cents unless this next deal is stellar & quadruples forward profits. At the moment, 50 cents is pushing it (that's well above fair value unless U know something).

LOYS "The No BS Whaley'
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06/25/19 3:22 PM

#105863 RE: ~ Blue ~ #100093

$CMGO heading lower .001 coming
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07/11/19 1:59 AM

#107250 RE: ~ Blue ~ #100093

Management will increase AS and keep dumping shares, then will post another 8k saying it made buyback at .0055 of 950,000 shares or might up it to 1 Million Shares bought back rofl, When management realizes the the buyback pump ain't work, will cancel it and then do REVERSE SPLIT. LOL It's so funny how they put back at 2 years lol. By then investors will be milked dry. No real buyback will ever happen.
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07/15/19 1:03 AM

#107557 RE: ~ Blue ~ #100093

$CMGO was painted green again on Friday. yuck yuck disgusting. Red and gap down coming because of too many paint ups
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07/17/19 3:05 PM

#107801 RE: ~ Blue ~ #100093

DANGER..WARNING...$cmgo paint ups and lower lows a very bad sign. Heading lower

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07/17/19 10:59 PM

#107819 RE: ~ Blue ~ #100093

Paint up failed and for the first time in months it closed correct, but only because paint up failed.
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07/17/19 11:00 PM

#107820 RE: ~ Blue ~ #100093

Paint up needs to stop, so that true price/value of this stock and be revealed. Until then danger danger.
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07/18/19 12:09 AM

#107823 RE: ~ Blue ~ #100093

$CMGO is a heart attack stock.

This is a type of stock that causes investors pain in chest, while slowly and sneakily draining an investors life.

Lol, ceo says 2yrs to complete buyback. First buy 400k shares ROFL lol, 2nd buy 900k... Maybe in the next 4 months time there will be another 1 milly buy. DISGUSTING and spit at trusting investors. Now the game is up, investors about to start fleeing

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07/18/19 3:35 PM

#107899 RE: ~ Blue ~ #100093

DANGER..DANGER..Tested .0061 today, I wonder who will be lucky to sell at the last remaining .0066 bid left today, possible test of .0055 ~.0059 tomorrow and next week maybe lower

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07/23/19 1:14 PM

#108253 RE: ~ Blue ~ #100093

Danger..Danger..This stock rarely moves more than 9% at a time. Too many paint jobs on the ASK is very bad for the stock. GAP down possible due the fake paint ups
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07/23/19 3:57 PM

#108264 RE: ~ Blue ~ #100093

DANGER..this week could be the last chance for investors to sell 6's. Warning to many paint ups here.
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07/25/19 6:09 PM

#108405 RE: ~ Blue ~ #100093

Hey, What's going on here? Investors are losing their entire lives. Damn this FRAUD

Zzzz Crickets
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07/25/19 6:25 PM

#108407 RE: ~ Blue ~ #100093

Maximum Seriously dangerous...This Maximum tricky disgusting stock was supposed to hit many many pennies eeh?

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07/26/19 3:45 PM

#108471 RE: ~ Blue ~ #100093

WARNING....0055...0052..0049 might start next week..This shit stock with flies is slowly bleeding

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07/26/19 3:53 PM

#108474 RE: ~ Blue ~ #100093

DANGER..$cmgo painted up green..Will tank again next week..GAP DOWN lower next.. Investors exiting while they can and making up for losses elsewhere
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07/26/19 3:56 PM

#108477 RE: ~ Blue ~ #100093

this is no "undervalued gem" until Glenn pulls his head out.
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07/28/19 1:12 AM

#108521 RE: ~ Blue ~ #100093

Hellloooo..Danger here.. Investors bought this dragon shit believing it will move many pennies.

What the f happened here?

Crickets Crickets Hellooooooo
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07/30/19 12:00 AM

#108593 RE: ~ Blue ~ #100093

Shit shit..Danger..$CMGO could test .0054...0051..0049 very soon..

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08/01/19 2:51 PM

#108905 RE: ~ Blue ~ #100093

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08/01/19 2:54 PM

#108908 RE: ~ Blue ~ #100093

$cmgo is known for gap downs on, because of the Disgusting fake paint ups
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08/06/19 11:31 PM

#109273 RE: ~ Blue ~ #100093

Was supposed to close .0062 but was painted up at close.. Gap down coming
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08/07/19 11:58 PM

#109377 RE: ~ Blue ~ #100093

Danger...Danger...This blood thirsty stock has so many dangerous paint ups. Was supposed to close today .006. 5's and lower coming

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08/09/19 1:23 PM

#109699 RE: ~ Blue ~ #100093

WARNING..painted up..Green..Danger..This stock is death by a thousand cuts..SLOWLY BLEEDING
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08/10/19 2:35 PM

#109732 RE: ~ Blue ~ #100093

Warning!!!Warning!!This stock has lots of fake bids like 27,000 on bid and below that 68,000, Then 100,000. Investors don't fall for the trap. This scam does not move more than 9%
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08/13/19 1:03 PM

#110032 RE: ~ Blue ~ #100093

WARNING...Warning..WARNING..last chance to get out..Will drop back down to .006, .0059...0055 again
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08/14/19 3:33 PM

#110473 RE: ~ Blue ~ #100093

WARNING...Warning..WARNING..last chance to get out..Will drop back down to .006, .0059...0055 again

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08/14/19 3:42 PM

#110475 RE: ~ Blue ~ #100093

Warning...DANGER..Warning...Buyers of 8's will loose everything. The pump is over. Warning!!The pumo is over!!

Investors are very angry that the pump failed.

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08/16/19 4:23 AM

#110849 RE: ~ Blue ~ #100093

!!!Warning!!This stock has lots of fake bids like 27,000 on bid and below that 68,000, Then 100,000. Investors don't fall for the trap. This scam does not move more than 9%
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08/16/19 4:25 AM

#110850 RE: ~ Blue ~ #100093

99% DANGER..this week could be the last chance for investors to sell 8's. Warning to many paint ups here.
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08/16/19 4:26 AM

#110851 RE: ~ Blue ~ #100093

WARNING...Warning..WARNING..last chance to get out..Will drop back down to .006, .0059...0055 again
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08/16/19 4:28 AM

#110852 RE: ~ Blue ~ #100093

DANGER...DANGER..the pump is over.. Never buy when the pump is over..PUMP IS OVER. Was supposed to close .0071, but was painted up many times. More gap downs coming
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08/16/19 4:29 AM

#110853 RE: ~ Blue ~ #100093

DANGER...$cmgo has many gaps to fill. Investors have been stuck here for many months.
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08/22/19 1:59 PM

#112151 RE: ~ Blue ~ #100093

Maday maday...CODE..RED..activated..Can't hold...01..and..investors loosing patience and tired..Guaranteed loss buying at these prices. Pump is OVER!!

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08/24/19 1:26 PM

#112364 RE: ~ Blue ~ #100093

Was supposed to close .0076 But there was a fake buy. Gap down coming next week. Bid here is very think and weak

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08/26/19 4:35 PM

#112559 RE: ~ Blue ~ #100093

Was supposed to close .0071 But there was a fake buy. Gap down coming next week. Bid here is very think and weak

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08/27/19 9:18 PM

#112738 RE: ~ Blue ~ #100093

Bro, $cmgo is one of the worst alerts ever. Some investors have lost everything. WHAT'S GOING ON!!!!!! ??? :-(

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08/27/19 9:29 PM

#112739 RE: ~ Blue ~ #100093

WARNING..Look ready to test .0061~.0059


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08/27/19 9:36 PM

#112740 RE: ~ Blue ~ #100093

This stock is disgusting. It can't hold .0076. The severe torture Investors on investors is just deadly. It can cause chest pain and even a heart attack

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09/04/19 1:05 PM

#113290 RE: ~ Blue ~ #100093

DANGER..DANGER..$cmgo never holds more 9% and yet investors risk thousands of dollars. Not worth this risk..DANGER

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09/04/19 1:07 PM

#113294 RE: ~ Blue ~ #100093

WARNING..$cmgo always has fake bids and thin bids and tons and tons of fake paint ups on ASK..DANGER

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09/05/19 11:19 AM

#113465 RE: ~ Blue ~ #100093

Serious...DANGER..$cmgo always has very weak fake bids

Gaps down all the time DANGER

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09/05/19 12:16 PM

#113501 RE: ~ Blue ~ #100093

DANGEROUSLY thin bids and tons of fake paint ups

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09/05/19 12:18 PM

#113502 RE: ~ Blue ~ #100093

Immense WARNING .$cmgo never holds over 9% gains at a time. NOT worth the RISK!!

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09/08/19 4:33 AM

#113759 RE: ~ Blue ~ #100093

DANGER $cmgo not worth the risk. This garbage stock can't hold more than 9% gain.Stinks Stinky.
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09/09/19 1:41 PM

#113846 RE: ~ Blue ~ #100093

WARNING...thin and fake bids. Possible Gap down to .0085 and lower