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Lone Clone

05/29/19 2:15 PM

#34504 RE: CPTMatt #34503

I made out like a bandit at the last rare earth bull, primarily because for once I sold almost everything when I should have.

I am not jumping on this train until I see whether it is sustainable or is it just China adopting Drumpf's style of bluster and threat.

All I hold right now in the REE space is a few shares of CCE, which has been a serious disappointment as it seems their management is more interested in collecting salaries than advancing their properties, plus some shares of UCU, which although it does hold a deposit in Alaska, has morphed into more of a technology/extraction play.

This highlights one of the key factors for REE; every deposit has its own unique metallurgy and comes with up to several dozen metals in the ore, often including lithium, uranium, etc. as well as the REEs, so figuring out a way to get just the minerals you want out of the ore can be time consuming and even prohibitively expensive.

I should also mention that the last issue of the IKN newsletter contained extensive documentation of a site visit to REG's property in Peru which reaffirmed my commitment to this stock as a long term hold, well at leat until they get bought out in a year or two. The market in general still hasn't figured out that the step-out hole reported in the last NR was merely scratching the edge of what seems to be a new large mineralized system on top of what they already have. I can't wait till the get the drill permits they need to test it, which should be by the fall.



06/04/19 2:31 PM

#34510 RE: CPTMatt #34503

Alaska Play $UURAF Rare Earths is hot


06/18/19 1:55 PM

#34531 RE: CPTMatt #34503