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05/20/19 11:05 AM

#107077 RE: happyglass #107067

There is so much wrong with this comment

1. Only regulations will come in next October, it will be months after that when edibles will be on the market, coincidence, the federal election is October 17th, so when I said 4 years ago, that Liberals will drag it out to run on legalization for 2 termsI was correct.

2. Although you are most likely right about legal Canna butter, Hash, Shatter, or High Potency Cannabis Oils will still be Prohibited, and If you read the proposed Regs, even, the Sugar in those chocolates will be restricted, not to mention LP's CBD beverages cannot contain any Caffine, which means no weed buzz, no caffeine rush, and no sugar high. Does not sound like Recreational fun to me.

3. How much will these restricted Canna/CBD products cost? for products that anyone with a pot and stove can make the cann butter to make any edible you what.

Finally, The reason for the huge inventories from none-to too much, is since October 2018, every month has had less sale/revenue then the last, go look at your Governmental regulator (Health Canada) to get your information.