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05/20/19 9:30 AM

#311636 RE: PegnVA #311633

Buttigieg finds friends on Fox as he calls out ‘grotesque’ Trump attacks

Actually, he referred to Trump as a 'grotesque thing'.

What an eloquent and concisely appropriate word to describe our ass-clown imitation of a POTUS. Now why didn't I think of it?

Probably because I'm more enamored of, more entertained by, the Rude Pundit's and Shower Cap's somewhat harsher descriptions of President Used Enema Water.

“I think that we need to make sure that we're changing the channel from this show that he's created. ... And I get it, look — it's mesmerizing and hard for anyone to look away. Me too. It is the nature of grotesque things that you can't look away.”