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05/19/19 1:11 PM

#47320 RE: mikeyt1818 #47317

[url][/url][tag]insert-text-here[/tag]I used to tell my friend l who was very much into pinkies to look at mainly and most importantly

-If conpany did a R/S last 10 years( if it did stay away, if not it shows ceo is not scamming investors)
R/S is the main indicator for a company to be called scam
And many more that no more exist

Since dr took over UNVC never did a R/S

- if ceo is printing news day and nite
Dr always stayed away from media and could’ve print many news

-if ceo has high degree of education such as PhD

Dr has the highest degree

- if the chart has a long nice steady base

UNVC chart has the most sound base