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05/19/19 11:00 AM

#47307 RE: mikeyt1818 #47305

Awesome DD... all will be revealed soon... who has cojones to stay long will be quite surprised... well that’s how I’m feeling IMHO!


05/19/19 11:10 AM

#47309 RE: mikeyt1818 #47305

Thanks Mikey!
For me not really important, l have many reasons to believe and stay long here

I have been in this stock since 2012. My average is 0.0004 and I have millions plus 1 extra single share that my other million didn’t get filled back than lol

My portfolio stays the same no matter what
The other day I summarized my reasons to be long

I would want extra funds to push this baby to higher 0.030s next week
I believe 100k might drive share price nuts here
But l don’t think he will be satisfied with a limited info

Good luck to all


05/19/19 11:52 AM

#47313 RE: mikeyt1818 #47305

Is Dr. Mechoulam still at Hadassah Medical Center in Ein Kerem working at The School of Pharmacy ??? ???? ????????