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80 bluchip 20 pot

05/17/19 5:13 PM

#15536 RE: Cessna guy #15534

bears, MMs, trolls and haters oh my

I've been on a lot of these penny stocks. one a tech penny, all the rest pot pennies, and a few ex pot pennies that exploded after (CVSI)

the nay sayers MIGHT be getting more vocal to further drive the price down so they can load up, but there are many types.

The generic nay sayers - they wait until the stock drops in a day (the real reason a penny drops, no new follow up press after a pop....they typically get a PR a month....and humans get bored. sell, chase the next pop) so after the pop, it drops back to pre pop levels, the generic nay sayer comes out and says "wow, guess this stock must suck"

The Market makers - yeah they are trying to sow fear so they can tank up. you might be able to note them by clicking on their names here, see how they've posted. if they've ever been yeah yeah go HMPQ GO! types in the past....they are a market maker, pumping and dumping.
now these are weapons of all the naysayers, but pump n dumpers use them the best
- shady CEO, called the PR rep for the company, learned a lot of bad bad things...but they aren't saying...
- DILUTION! DILUTION!....CONVERTIBLE SHARES! turns out ALL pennies pretty much do convertible shares to cover debt paying toxic interest.
- I ordered something, and not only didn't it come, the company FINED me for bothering them. horrible customer service!

trolls - as heath ledger joker (mark Hamill was the best joker) said "sometimes you just want to sit back and watch the world burn). these folks come in say "I sold high, and would never buy again, anyone still holding this POS is a fool ! BWAHAHAHAHA.

Haters - similar to pump and dumpers, click on their list, and they are on most sites just hating. I already mentioned the weapons of how to trash the stock. typically these types aren't present during the pop. on yahoo finance they WILL have the balls to show up during a pop and say stuff like "wal mart will be 99 by tomorrow" after yet another great earnings....not hard to predict there, genius, with sell in may and go away and a general robo-short on wal mart constantly, until it pops next announce....but you get my point. they go away during salad days, and come back during starvation days to say "told you so"