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Big Beef

05/17/19 8:44 AM

#13018 RE: David West #13017

Good link David West...

5. The new normal grows old

If there is a free lunch in this world, it is productivity growth. The ability to produce more (output) with less (labor input) drives investment, lowers costs and raises real wages. Productivity and labor-force growth determine how fast an economy can expand without inducing inflationary pressure.

The problem right now is that nonfarm business productivity growth has been stuck in a rut since 2004. Even manufacturing productivity is underperforming compared with prior business cycles. And while the recent pick-up in business fixed investment is encouraging, it is too early to declare a trend change — even if productivity is everywhere apparent except in the data!

Unless productivity growth picks up or the U.S. admits a lot of skilled immigrants to offset the retiring baby boomers, which seems unlikely, low interest rates, at least relative to past experience, may turn out to be the new normal.

Wow Note: (The problem right now is that nonfarm business productivity growth has been stuck in a rut since 2004. Even manufacturing productivity is underperforming compared with prior business cycles).


let me ask you Do you think DJ is doing the right thing now with these Tariffs while the markets hit a triple top??

I'm going to make it a little harder for you lol besides interest rates do you know why we had a Bull market for 10 years?

I don't know how old you are but do you remember Louis Rukeyser?

You remember the panelist on his show or at least one of them??