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The Dutchess

05/17/19 6:32 AM

#49954 RE: wolfden2018 #49953

Soak em up today. Mega bounce due!


05/17/19 9:28 AM

#49956 RE: wolfden2018 #49953

Wow, I'd like to borrow your crystal ball.

It’s up 400 percent since april 1. It is doing a double bounce off of 02, and is settling in before next run.

It was .15 PPS conversion split price at the last RS end of previous year. So much for a 'run'. Not even been back at that level since. A little bounce to about .07 recently just taking advantage of low share structure post split. But as it's gradually growing now again, PPS will go down and sink away at the same time. The inevitable P&D which every pennyscam endures after RS has already been done.

Q2 will definitely push PPS below a penny, never above .10. That is what MY crystal ball shows. You'll see .02 cracking and breaking soon enough. Likely already today.

I also did my DD, it is all FAKE.

P.S. Years back in the old GRPR time when it was already a Fullenkamp / Scott Sand scam, the fins were also audited. Auditors don't care as long as there are no fake figures in the financial reports. Nothing new here.


05/20/19 11:34 AM

#49959 RE: wolfden2018 #49953

SIML is a scam and engaged in toxic dilution and it's going to be hilarious watching all their shareholders get completely wiped out by SIML mgmt. taking it to no bid and then reverse splitting it 1000/1 bwahahahahahaha