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05/17/19 11:59 AM

#7410 RE: Supermeatball #7401

'Supermeatball' It's always the same carrot dangling on the same GBLX "shtick", "look @ what we're doing" & "it'll be ready some day in the future". In the mean time, don't worry about the huge mounting debt & the fact that you've got management without a sense of urgency, committing the same mistakes, while the PPS{the market's barometer} is trying to tell them you're a bunch of screw-ups, move over & let financially savvy people take over management, while there still is a chance & a prayer. Regardless of the gross profits, OPERATING expenses
are currently running @ 13.3 TIMES GREATER{than Gross profit}, while additional debt is being accumulated @ about $10 Million per year, leaving GBLX $22.97 Million in the RED{as of 12/18}, these are the REAL #'s, NOT the fluff & hype being posted on this board as the gospel truth. Play it as you see it