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05/16/19 4:42 PM

#88633 RE: Barb007 #88632

I second that. I work for a startup and we burn close to a million per quarter, yet we just received another round of funding.


05/17/19 1:30 AM

#88662 RE: Barb007 #88632

That is all I do is start new businesses. It amazes me how impatient people are but then I remind myself that most of the people here are short term investors and want quick money. I care about the company and how they are building their foundation. Do most of the people on this board know how long and what it takes to build a business? The money expenditure is great if you choose to do things right. When I look at my expenditures most of it is on attorney fees and product development...but mostly attorney fees. It is important to me that if I am spending all this time and money on a product I believe in I have to do things the right way...unfortunately there are curve balls along the way but when you see a company put this much in to it you know their heart is in the right place. My husband and I are over 6 million strong with most purchased in early 2018. We are not selling one share. This is how you build a see a find or develop a product to fulfill build your business structure and bring it to market and sometimes faster than you would like to but there are others waiting and pushing harder and faster. Along the way you start cleaning up these messes. Remember if it were so easy everyone would do it...and we know people love to talk and never do anything.