Some of Us feel we need more info (Net Income), have been using a different formula actually for the Deferred Tax Asset:
(To be Very Conservative)
$??? Million x 43.84% Tax Rate
(At December 31, 2017)
??? Million x 29.84% Tax Rate
(After December 31, 2017)
= Deferred Tax Asset = $?? Million
Pre-Trump Tax Rate. 35.00%
Trump Corporate Tax Rate = 21.00%
California Corporate Tax = 8.84%
We understand that as of now about the $170 Million Present Figure and the $157.50 for the 5 ¾ Years (December 31, 2017), but remember you have to multiply those by Tax Rates to get the Deferred Tax Asset.
And then of course there's the Net Income that we derived from the Rehab we have to additional benefit for Us.
Best wishes,