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Value Catalyst

05/15/19 3:10 PM

#4921 RE: Penny Machine #4917

From 10Q: OS of only 1.18 Bil as of 5/10/2019;
A very slight increase from the 1,080,300,539 reported in the last 10k filing--dilution is under control. Very reasonable imho. Dilution is a necessary evil in the pink sheet game, that's how they fund their ventures. However, $BOTY is unlike most pink sheet/sub companies who dilute the heck outta their investors...not to mention they're a REAL COMPANY with REAL PRODUCTS (albeit in the early development stage) and a legit af social media presence with over 100k FB followers and 150k+ youtube subscribers. Quarterly reports mean nothing to me, I'm here for the long-run vision and believe in BOTY's & Shaun Donnelly's ability to achieve their goal.

$BOTY Long&Strong