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05/14/19 8:02 AM

#31941 RE: microcaps1 #31940

Micro - we’ll written using dd. Facts matter. Go Zion Oil and Gas!
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05/14/19 3:23 PM

#31945 RE: microcaps1 #31940

Posted as a public service message-and rejected

re drilling plans;
drilling plans will be dictated by the 3d survey of 72 sq km surrounding the MJ1 well- and thus the next well can hopefully be drilled from the same drill pad to save time and money

Wrong. One doesn't need 72 sq miles to drill at the same pad.

ZN pays as it goes

Because there are no creditors who would ever extend a loan based on zero collateral.

doesnt get into long term debt-only such long term debt is bonds which are convertible into common stock and thus ultimately wouldnt cost zn much more than fees

Wrong. They are on the books as $2.2M. Holders may demand cash in 2021.

much of the hullabaloo re the russell index is irrelevant- ZN got by for 18 years without being on such- and russell index investors have had 9 months to get out

Wrong. Without Tute support the PPS on this Microcrap scam would've been dead long ago. Note, the PPS has broken a major support level at 0.50. Seems those 9 months are starting to occur as the Tutes dribble out. My Glo Orb continues to predict next stop is 0.25.

most co's like ZN apply for another 180 day extension to bring pps to one dollar

Wrong. Most companies are not like ZN... under formal SEC investigation.

re informal no wrongdoing asserted investigation:

Wrong. The SEC subpoena by definition meant it was an open formal investigation. There is no basis for the claim of "no wrongdoing". If the Brown gang so wishes they can try to make such a claim filing an 8K. Indicating they have received a termination notice from the SEC. But they haven't ... have they!? Wonder why?

though the cause was a complaint by an apparent shorting cartel or entities associated w such who apparently dont politically agree w zn's purposes

Hint: The SEC doesn't care about political motivations of shorting conspiracies against poor little ZN. They investigate SEC regulation violations.

zn was ca the 5th fastest growth co on nasdaq last june

LOL. Ok, where does this accrued value of growth show up on the balance sheet for SHs? Market cap means nothing in Microcrap scams.

renewable lease

Until they run out of money to pay for it. Then again no one else wants the lease.

re assets
zn had close to 40m assets til write off due to the noncommercial exploratory well

Wrong. They wrote off $30M (forced), and have another $6M in losses yet to be written off. There are no assets. There was never any $40M in assets before the write off.

they have an experienced C level team

Experienced in what? Traveling the church circuit with the PSPP offerings?

re exec pay
the exec compensation committee displayed info showing zn execs were underpaid cf to similar competition

Oh please. Again, it's asked what accrued value has been brought to SHs over the decade? Proven reserves? Probable? Oil revenue? How can an Exec team be underpaid, when no accrued value has been brought to the SHs?

so their pay has been much less than some have advertised

There's no "advertising" to it. It's all in the 10K.

and execs no doubt restricted themselves to help avoid harmful speculation

Wrong. They continued to reward themselves. Maybe with the SEC looking on they are more shy.

victor's lawyer/judge experience was valuable in helping pioneer zn's negotiation of the incipient israel onshore oil

Leases no one else wanted. And Victor seems to have left town under a cloud.

ceo dustin unselfishly resigned so ZN could save money

Any excuse will do to ... get out of Dodge.

in a bigger company Dustin could stay on as a part of large co's top heavy management

Finally an admission in principle ZN is a Microcrap oil scam. Top heavy management raking in the $$$s is a feature of such scams.

but ZN is running streamlined to put more dollars to the actual geophysical work

Really. Where is this announcement of feverish geophysical activity work? A real oil company is capable of performing 3D, and drilling 2-3 wells (including fracs in the Permian) per quarter. However, for a Microcrap oil scam like ZN, it's ok to take a yr to take 3D, and drill 1 well every 3 yrs. Except... there is that falling PPS to contend with. Going to make those church circuit PSPPs more difficult. Brown doesn't want to mess with a audience of angry grannies, wondering what happened to their so called "blessed investment".

small co's cannot afford to pad management-but zn is attacked no matter what they do

That's what happens when a Microcrap oil scam does nothing for a decade. Where's the accrued SH value again? Not to be confused with continuous stock diluton, and lucrative exec pay.
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05/15/19 12:23 AM

#31962 RE: microcaps1 #31940

why would i have to show zn meets nasdaq listing standards-they wont have to meet til jan 8,2020-thats over 7 months away

why would i have to show zn doesnt need cash when zn is in the middle of a fundraise and now has more time to do multiple raises if necessary. And more road trips as necessary.

If Dick Cheney wasn't on the board or otherwise involved with another oil co interested in israel I'd also hire him to do some grouse or quail hunting,with the proviso he doesn't waste his bullets on the poor furry animals.

if at the end of the 2nd 180 days jan 8,2020 pps is not going to otherwise be over one dollar zn can r/s to stay on the nasdaq-they've signaled their intention in a filing i posted to transfer to another level of the nasdaq during the 2nd 180 days and have not given any indication they would r/s yet(and it would not be wise to willy nilly r/s bc the nasdaq generously charges 15k to do so)

as i said the nasdaq regularly grants apps for an additional 180 day period to comply if the company has a reasoanble plan to do so -as zn does,with the provision that at the end of the 2nd 180 day period the co would be required to r/s if pps otherwise was not to meet the one dollar bid requirement on jan 8,2020

the nyse must be even more lenient bc there's another houston based oil co i've followed which has averaged ca 25c pps the last yr and hasnt been one dollar pps for over 5 years!!!

so the nyse is also another longterm alternative to the nasdaq if thats what it takes-as opposed to the otcqx- but some won't tell you that

but that focus is all essentially negative -which is why it is repeatedly emphasized as opposed to the efforts to raise shareholder value via oil and gas discoveries- the positive and what will determine real pps is what kind of discovery zn makes via the 3d survey-something utterly ignored by some

and the fact that israel approved the time extension for the 3d confirms something i saw in a previous filing-which indicated a 3d commercial discovery would be sufficient to convert their license into a 30 yr lease renewable for 20 years!!!!!

then the fun begins*.

as zn said in its 1-14-19 filing:

If the Company does not regain compliance by July 8, 2019, the Company may transfer from the Nasdaq Global Market to the Nasdaq Capital Market and may be eligible for an additional compliance period of 180 calendar days. To qualify for the additional compliance period, the Company would have to meet the continued listing requirement for market value of publicly held shares and all other requirements for initial listing on the Nasdaq Capital Market (except for the bid price requirement), and provide written notice to Nasdaq of its intention to cure the bid price deficiency during the additional 180-day compliance period, by effecting a reverse stock split, if necessary."