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05/14/19 7:03 AM

#1717 RE: harry crumb #1715

Yes Harry, and I also put a lot of the China problem on the Children of Sam Walton! They are very liberal and donors to Dem Party since Clinton came in and benefited from NAFTA and special deals with China to make America the biggest importer of Chinese crap goods- forced on us all and was NEVER a level playing field and previous paid for trained trial lawyer politicians went along with things making themselves rich turning their heads. All of those types need kicked the helloutof DC !!

CNBC promoted Wal-Mart for years as a great thing. Wal-Mart ruined every small town across USA and its uniqueness flooding their stores everywhere... Putting millions of unsung American mom & pop businesses out of business not able to compete with such unfair playing field the Chinese created on America...