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05/08/19 10:37 PM

#225264 RE: john12341 #225263

We have NO WAY OF KNOWING whether it's a good investment here. I know I wrote alot and my msg may have been muddled. sorry.

Unverified financials means everything in your post is possibly true, or possibly make-believe. You CAN'T KNOW. Daily $dollar trading volume indicates NONE of it is anywhere near true, but we just can't know.

But of course you can still trade it; buy low and sell higher, or however you trade. But don't buy it, and then let it take your hard-earned money, and then bitch about 'bears', or 'bashers' on msg boards.

WHY DID YOU BUY IT? For an investment, based on un-verified numbers some anonymous poster on a msg board convinced you to believe? Because they claim to have some kind of inside-knowledge of Berman, or his past?

An interesting 5 min exercise for longs would be to go back to when you first bought shares, read the msg board then, and try to understand why you listened to some folks and ignored others.


05/08/19 10:42 PM

#225265 RE: john12341 #225263

Bravo, well said.



05/08/19 10:47 PM

#225268 RE: john12341 #225263

"it is not audited - at least i know were they stand"

well that's the rub isn't it?

HOW DO YOU KNOW ANYTHING IF IT'S JUST BERMAN'S WORD? You can believe him, apparently everyone here does.

I'm kinda curious why you believe him.

ANY STOCK can go up or down, regardless of verified financials or good or bad business.

ONCI can clearly go up, & maybe it'll have another monster run. Doesn't have to have verifiable financials for that. No stock needs them to run. But to be a sound investment, you kinda gotta know what's real.

So, the ONLY argument you can make is: Steve's a genius running a highly profitable but highly secretive enterprise w/ monster potential that only a select few know about here on this board. Sure he's made a few communication errors... but 'genius' & 'highly profitable' and we're the 'select few' so 'slap the ask here at the cheap'.

Believe what & who you want, and be happy w/ your decisions.

But lack of any real buying of ONCI shares when everything is supposedly SO GOOD should make new investors think twice.