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05/14/19 8:18 PM

#18190 RE: TronCarter #18093

Great question for Mdlg tomorrow......

Re: kingfishers Post# 3021
Another example of history repeating itself!

Read below, and keep in mind that MDLG's Driftwood, Texas house sale is currently pending, his daughter is going to ASU, and he is moving to where? Arizona. smh...

Message in reply to 'kingfishers':


Good to hear from you! You're welcome to what little I have done. We old timers in NSCT have learned a lot of hard lessons, haven't we? Consequently, I guess, at this point, I want facts about the "new" NSCT more so than people's opinions. So I keep digging.

And frankly it does not seem that there are a lot of facts regarding the impending "new" business or its founder.

Yes, we know that (1)it is a medical practice management system that includes a number of functions and services that are designed to (2)increase the bottom line, as well as the (3)quality of practice, for the docs and staff. And there may be an opportunity for the medical practice owners to participate in the (4)stock ownership of NSC by subscribing to the service. And it appears that there might be a reduction in the medical and office supply expenses of the participating practices because of (5)coordinated and cooperative buying of the supplies. And by it being a (6)"cloud-based" technology, it is cheaper, easier, and quicker to maintain and update.

But all of the above is gleaned from what we can find regarding their proposed operations plan. But we know little about the marketing and sales plan, which without it, the operations plan will be unnecessary. We know little about company finances in regards to what is necessary to successfully launch whatever the marketing plan is. Without some solid company finances, the marketing plan is pretty difficult to implement. The $3.5MM sounds good, I guess, but we really do not know what it is to be used for and how long it will last. Is it really sufficient for a successful launch, or does more cash need to be raised, and how much?

And actually we do not really know a lot about Michael William DeLaGarza...the kind of knowledge about him that lets us have some fact-based judgement as to his professional qualifications to aggressively and successfully launch a public company.

I say all this not to be critical of Mr.DeLaGarza or of what he has made public so far. As has been posted here before, it is probably important that he control how much info is released. But as investors, we will need more fact-based information before we, especially those of us that, collectively, may have lost millions of dollars over the last decade or so investing in NSCT, start buying more shares in this venture, no matter how cheap the shares may appear.

So for the time being, since the company is not fully formed nor functional, it seems like all I can do is look for past facts...anything I can find about Mr. DeLaGarza, personally, professionally, legally, financially.

However, I figure there will be quite a bit of public info released in the near future. This is an interesting situation, and I wish Mr. DeLaGarza the very best.

And closing this overly lengthy post, I will throw out a question: does anyone know whether or not Mr. DeLaGarza is going to keep NSC headquartered in AZ or is going to move it to the Las Vegas area? He and his wife, have their family home in Henderson, NV, and it appears that the payments and taxes are up to date and it is not listed for sale.


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