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Always wondering

05/05/19 7:27 PM

#523095 RE: Commons_Cancelled #523093

At minimum we will be bought out. The U.S constitution will prevail as it has for going on 250 years.


05/05/19 8:50 PM

#523101 RE: Commons_Cancelled #523093

At FNMA It will be a Recapitalization of Only $ 87 Bn by the New Standards mainly by Retained Earnings according MC and Overpaid NWS and Interests as returned can also been expected, to complete within One Year.
Additionally Relisting To NYSE or NASDAQ

About Common Shares It certainly will not been dictated by your Anti-Common BS !

Happy FNMA Investing


05/05/19 10:46 PM

#523109 RE: Commons_Cancelled #523093

"Only a few hundred people care about $FNMA. Most could care less how shareholders are treated as long as the GSEs perform their market function.
The Admin and the New Money will be the ones dictating the terms of the capital raises, certainly not existing Commons.
Anyone that hasn't realized this is slow, but we already know that about the Lemmings. "


You are once again at these antics.

CS holders own the companies. Without CS holders there are no private companies and you get only conservatorship or receivership.

With continued conservatorship or receivership, JPS holders get nothing. Courts may give them big victory but no money. Read what happened to AIG shareholder lawsuits.

So please stop your antics.


05/05/19 11:12 PM

#523111 RE: Commons_Cancelled #523093

it does have to settle the lawsuits :-)


05/06/19 9:12 AM

#523139 RE: Commons_Cancelled #523093

Well, no.
There are many institutions who own fnma, not "just a few hundred shareholders".
If the government succeeds is robbing fnma shareholders, the shareholders of these institutions feel the pain also.
Worse, what about the millions who want to buy or sell their home? Did you know fnma facilitates the financing for about half the homes in America????
Oh, yea, I forgot. You want to rob from the old shareholders and give to new shareholders and preferreds..that is your method right?
That fails also. Even worse, its an "epic fail". Its called the "Zimbabwe discount". The Zimbabwe discount means that Americans or other investors dont want to buy investments from third world countries because these countries governments are unstable, their currency is unstable and their laws are unstable permitting a dictator or other ruler to confiscate all earnings for government purposes.
Sound familiar? America is not a third world country. And we dont want to become one, either!!!! We have a constitution which prevents government taking of private property without just compensation.
But, it gets even worse. Americas credit can be lowered by doing stuff like stealing billions of dollars to keep the country running and corrupt politicians happy.
Its already been lowered, if you did not know. If Americas debt gets lowered again, it could become "junk bond" status, where interest rates on Americas debt rises as investors cant count on Americas laws which protect investors.
Each 1 percent rise in interest rates costs America 210 billion PER YEAR (1 percent of 21 trillion debt is 210 billion).
This would cause rampant inflation and devaluation of American dollar. Its none less than catastrophic for America.

I think you have no clue the effect of over 5 trillion dollars (FNMA and FMCC combined enterprise value), on the American and global economy.
The scale of the failure of these 5 trillion dollar companies is immensely more than "just" the failure of say, Apple or Microsoft, or Walmart. Its a bigger failure than all 3 of these companies combined.