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05/04/19 3:34 PM

#309882 RE: sortagreen #309879

that's a mic drop right there, if I ever did see one.

They can take their internal investigations and shove 'em where the sun don't shine as well.

fucking fear mongers, no use for them at any time of a waking day...

they go together like a friend who pees on your carrots.


05/04/19 4:34 PM

#309893 RE: sortagreen #309879

Barr is doing a great job. Can’t wait to see the OIG report next month. Also looking forward to Trump declassifying mucho documents.

Much to be revealed yet.


05/04/19 6:32 PM

#309901 RE: sortagreen #309879

Longtime Trump aide alleges White House destroyed 5 boxes of documents — that should have been turned over to Mueller

President Donald Trump’s White House likely destroyed five boxes of emails, a top former advisor explained on MSNBC.

Omarosa Manigault Newman worked for the White House, transition, campaign and was a contestant on “The Apprentice.”

She was interviewed on MSNBC on Saturday by the Rev. Al Sharpton.

“I think it’s important to realize that very early on in the administration, we got letters directing us to preserve all information related to the Mueller investigation, all investigations, any information, any emails, any correspondence,” she explained. “We had a clear directive to preserve those documents, preserve emails, preserve text messages.”

“So I thought it was very interesting that after my discussion with General Kelly in the Situation Room when I went to take my things, I was instructed that I had to leave seven boxes of documents that came from the campaign, the inauguration, the transition, and they would not allow me to get them,” she continued.

“What’s very curious to me is that, as I stated, it was seven boxes of documents, and in my emails, they only referenced two, which leads me to believe that they’ve destroyed the other five,” Manigault Newman said.

“So, you know, it’s par for the course with this administration. I believe I’m not the only one who’s been subjected to this type of treatment, and I believe that there are more documents that have been destroyed by this administration,” she noted. “If it happened to me, it’s happened to others.”

“Let me be clear because I want to make sure I understand you. You say there was seven boxes, but they only referred to two? So are you suggesting that maybe they destroyed five boxes of emails that could have been evidence?” Sharpton asked.

“Oh, there’s no question,” she replied.

“So we’ll have to see what unfolds. But I’m sure that I’m just not a one-off. I believe that this is a pattern with this administration of being disrespectful to congressional requests, of trying to use intimidation and all types of tactics to keep people silent,” she suggested.



05/06/19 11:35 AM

#310036 RE: sortagreen #309879

Anti-Semitism Showcased by New York Times Is Part of a Bigger Problem

Jason D. Meister

April 30, 2019 Updated: May 2, 2019


The New York Times is not an exception—radical anti-Semitism has become mainstream on the left.

The newspaper has deservedly come under fire in recent days for publishing two anti-Semitic drawings—and for initially failing to apologize for what the editors called “an error of judgment.”


Another disgusting display of vile antisemitic trope celebrated in the @nytimesworld. The @nytimes is signaling to the world that antisemitism is real, here, and welcome.
6:06 PM - Apr 26, 2019

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Last week, The New York Times published a cartoon in the opinion section of its international edition that it described as “depicting the prime minister of Israel [Benjamin Netanyahu] as a guide dog with a Star of David collar leading the president of the United States [Donald Trump], shown wearing a skullcap.”

The publication retracted the cartoon on April 27, acknowledging that “the image was offensive” and that “it was an error of judgment to publish it,” but didn’t issue a formal statement of apology until April 28.

On the same day as the retraction, however, NY Times published yet another anti-Semitic cartoon showing what appears to be a blind Netanyahu taking a selfie while holding up a tablet with the Star of David.

As a result, NY Times finally announced that it has decided “to suspend the future publication of syndicated cartoons” in its international edition.

Dan Senor

Wait...the ?@nytimes? featured ANOTHER Netanyahu cartoon? This one AFTER the Thursday cartoon depicting Netanyahu as a dog? Am I reading this right? Is the Times obsessed with Israel’s prime minister?
7:56 AM - Apr 29, 2019

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The cartoons inspired justified outrage from across the political spectrum. Everyone from Anti-Defamation League CEO Jonathan Greenblatt to Israel’s ambassador to the United States, Ron Dermer, condemned the NY Times for running the blatantly anti-Semitic cartoons.

The national conversation about anti-Semitism, however, should extend well beyond this specific controversy, which is only the tip of the iceberg. Our country is witnessing a resurgence of anti-Semitism on the political left, and we need to call it out by name wherever we see it.

Every single American should be outraged when one of our elected representatives in Congress suggests that Jews are buying off lawmakers by bribing them to support Israel.

Every single American should be disgusted when a presidential candidate such as Sen. Cory Booker (D-N.J.) diminishes the slaughter of millions of Jews during World War II by comparing the Green New Deal to the fight against Nazi Germany.

Every single American should be appalled when a political party passes a milquetoast anti-hate resolution that doesn’t even mention the hate-fueled remarks that inspired it.

Words matter.

There are many people on the left who try to draw a fine line between Israel-hatred and Jew-hatred (see Omar, Farrakhan). This distinction is completely false. It’s inexcusable Jew-hatred and must be identified as such.

The left far too often gives anti-Semitism a pass if it’s disguised as criticism of Israel.

The anti-Semitic cartoons published by the newspaper are only a symptom of the anti-Semitic disease that has infected the left in the United States. The reaction to the cartoons was swift and impassioned, as it should have been. The reaction of the NY Times, as could have been predicted, was muted and half-measured.

Condemnation of The New York Times is appropriate and necessary, but a far more robust response is necessary if we are to stop the spread of anti-Semitism in this country.

If we’re serious about eradicating anti-Semitism in our society, we need to extend our criticism to those who tolerate and enable it—and the liberal establishment is a perfect place to start.