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05/03/19 3:08 PM

#48845 RE: Landmark8211111 #48841

Thats everyones hope. Lets support the company instead of trashing it (not you). Support or no support, Mark snd Team will pursue financing until they get what they want. Mark didn't invest millions of his own money, raise capital in PP's to finance operational pre mining construction expenses, drill for proven resources, contract land owners for mineral rights, sevire NDA's with Suisse Bank and Morgan Stanley, hold numerous town hall meetings, file numerous regulatory disclosures and PR's, hold annual shareholder meetings, hold numerous investor conferences, conduct numerous investor related interviews, assemble the best board of directors with enormous financial and mining industry experience and influence, hire 1 CFO and 2 CPA's, hire an in house attorney and Investor Relations Executive, hote outside counsel, meet with State and Local representatives, organize and release 2 lengthy Feasibility Studies, hire Nordmin and SRK to design the mine, contract for sale mineral offtakes with Thyssen Krup and Traxsys, travel frequently to meet investors in Europe, be approved snd secure an optional tGerman Govt loan guarantee, attend numerous investor conferences, move from the junior Toronto Exchsnge to the TSX, appear before the US Senate Energy Commitee, work in conjunction with the Federal Govt to produce a saleable scandium alloy, move headquarters from Vancouver to Denver which is the largest financial and business center closest to the mining site because they have nothing better to do with their time????

Of course they're in the process of securing financing!!!! One does not have to be Einstein to come to that conclusion. This is just another ardous hill to climb. Let them climb it I say!!!