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05/03/19 1:07 PM

#25299 RE: TittsMcghee #25297

Breathalyzer has a long way to go, if you follow the Medical MJ Industry and one day will replace Opioids and other drug

THC Split couple ways to show Recently Used or whether your a Daily or 1st Timer, now take the CBD side and don’t get you High but does just the Opposite — Say 5ngs THC combined with 5ngs CBD — No High but you’ll fell the effect but rather like an Aspin with a Headache it cured — No effect or close to no Impairment but reading of THC still pushing 5ngs — Huestis And others would concur with findings and so does all the Attorneys or Judges that smoke know this is true

Even old weed that wouldn’t get you High anymore because of Air-Molecules change it to a Sleepy Weed with not much High

And saved the old weed which lost its potency as a new sleep aid now

Breathalyzer gonna Get Smart and the only way to get to a true Impairment is with a Breathalyzer

Long and give me some Cheapies

BLOZF gonna BLO one day