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05/02/19 1:59 PM

#8901 RE: Ahfudge #8900

Why not share that info here in the public forum? Just saying. I'm sure we would all like to have the info you have.

Thanks in advance.


05/02/19 3:49 PM

#8903 RE: Ahfudge #8900

And this is how the SEC/FBI get ya...


05/03/19 2:09 PM

#8921 RE: Ahfudge #8900

WSRC is complete garbage play now - I had talked to that guy late last year. The whole WCFI relation was joke indeed..
Brian is small guy, knows lot, but it's a small operation ! and so is that LLC company. They don't even have money to extract CBD !hoping someone will throw a bone to WSRC.

Unfortunately Filing exposed WSRC badly, RSHN failed to gave them any money, the whole hype was around XYZHEMP operation, that itself is big joke now, looking for some grants , writing some childish proposals and hoping someone will throw them money
XYZHEMP IPO is bigger joke. I doubt they will get any money raised
This whole trio operation is all paper stuff now

Nothing real
The whole WSRC rally from 0.002 to 0.15 was based on that 15 million revenue hype, sadly we all know it was all just paper PR based on hopes of xyzhemp IPO funding..nothing ever came and nothing will ever. The last filing was nail in the coffin

It's over for WSRC ! other than hopes, the worse thing is this company does not even release any PR !!! so why would anyone buy anything !

On their own that company did nothing for years..and now this xyzhemp TURD is another paper money, failed

WSRC is done now. I won;t touch even with a 10 feet pole, may be in trips just for a flip..
I won;t invest a single dime in this stock
Just a freaking write off for me year end and will dump it all..
hopefully I can make money elsewhere on other flips
Penny stocks are all joke..just dreams and hopes
so far detached from reality

WSRC was hard lesson, assets they had for long time. This is failed operation..and notorious lack of PR makes it worthless, you can't even get pump here, hardly any investors..huge ask-bid gaps

I will be outta this TURD year end and dump it all !...even it goes to zero I don't care now..I am just going to book loss on this POS !!!, what a joke this turned out..
I trued and got busted here
all those fluff emails from paper tiger operation RushNet..I fell for it.

This is Dead money for me!. I don't look at the account and losses..

Just a freaking write off !!