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Gold Seeker

11/16/06 1:59 PM

#6707 RE: erthang #6706

Erthang: "Is that Dec 29th date intended to suggest to the board that something is suppose to happen around that date."

Yes indeed. I am taking my bashing money and going on a cruise. Just like Bocxman did with his pump money. It will be an extended cruise with all the money I've earned. Back on the 29th for more money. GS
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11/16/06 2:23 PM

#6708 RE: erthang #6706

The rules of Investor’s Hub forbid personal attacks. You have every right to post a rebuttal concerning the content of any post, but you do not have the right to include derogatory comments about the author. Please limit your comments to the message, not the messenger. kag
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Gold Seeker

11/16/06 5:29 PM

#6717 RE: erthang #6706

Erthang: "You are a joke and deserve to be slapped!"

I really could care less about what you call me but that is the type of personal attack that you execute quite often on the board toward anyone that displeases you. What is even more amazing is that you obviously did not even realize that you were effecting a personal attack with that statement.

I think Kag is clearly going to ask for compliance to the I-hub rules. Just because you do not like what someone has to say does not give you the right to intimidate others from posting. If you notice, it sure did not intimidate me. You just started receiving more of what you did not like in a higher dosage form. That should be a lesson learned.

If you would remove the "You are" out of your posting vocabulary, I'm sure you would stay within the I-Hub rules and make this board more pleasant for everyone.

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Gold Seeker

11/17/06 10:28 AM

#6729 RE: erthang #6706

Erthang: "Is that Dec 29th date intended to suggest to the board that something is suppose to happen around that date."

Your interview quotes Moro stating:

"The question is, why dilute the shareholders, if you are going to get it in a short period of time from Abbott."

"After we get into dynamics, we need to raise about 4 million dollars. I'm close to getting revenue from Abbott for royalties. It holds me back a little bit in terms of, why increase the share base of the company when we can get our money from Abbott?"

Saying it once, you might say he misspoke, saying it twice, no way. On Feb 25th of 2006, Moro was expecting royalties soon. It would obviously be from the advanced royalty provision of the agreement that states they will be paid in 2007. The big question is "What date will those royalties be due and what would be Moro's time frame of SOON?" If that date is March 29, 2007, the anniversary of the deal, and if Abbott is still in possession of the test 90 days prior, those royalties will have to be paid. Moro stated he needed 4 million dollars to get on an exchange and was hinting that at least that amount might be forthcoming from Abbott via those royalties.

As I stated, I will be back on December 29th and if the test has not been returned, it is LOAD UP THE TRUCK TIME. 42 days and counting down. It's decision time for Abbott.

That is the significance of Dec 29th.