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05/01/19 2:45 PM

#120 RE: RandyKCMO #119

RandyKCMO, I also did the Coinbase Learn program and got my FREE Steller Lumens.

However, you did not mention that there are FOUR other coins that you can acquire for free, for just watching an instructional video and answering a simple multiple-choice question. Five different coins in all.

IMO diversifying one's portfolio is more important than ever before, considering how the crypto market moves. And this is a "slam-dunk" way to begin to accomplish that.

And the quick education one receives from the several videos is definitely worth the time spent.

So Thanks for mentioning that again.


05/09/19 8:16 PM

#124 RE: RandyKCMO #119

I finally got my free lumens. I was actually put in a waiting list. Lol