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05/01/19 9:28 AM

#309425 RE: benzdealeror2 #309423

The collusion story HAS been debunked, per Muellers report. Case closed

Did you read the entire Report?
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05/01/19 10:22 AM

#309430 RE: benzdealeror2 #309423

Attorney General Barr faces Senate panel grilling on Mueller report

..The collusion story HAS been debunked, per Muellers report. Case closed..
Far from over--- just beginning!

May 1, 2019 / 5:04 AM / Updated 5 minutes ago
Andy Sullivan

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Attorney General William Barr will face pointed questions about his handling of Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s report on Russia’s role in the 2016 election when he testifies before a Senate committee on Wednesday amid accusations he misrepresented the document’s findings.

In prepared testimony released ahead of the Senate Judiciary Committee hearing, Barr defended the way he dealt with the report’s release and redactions made by the Justice Department removing parts of the document to protect sensitive information. Democrats have accused Barr, the top U.S. law enforcement official, of trying to protect President Donald Trump.

Democrats on the Senate-led panel are expected to grill Barr in his first appearance before lawmakers since he released the 448-page report on April 18.

It marks first time a member of the Trump administration will testify about the contents of Mueller’s report, which detailed extensive contacts between Trump’s campaign and Moscow and the campaign’s expectation that it would benefit from Russia’s actions. The report also detailed a series of actions Trump took to try to impede the investigation.

Mueller concluded that the evidence was insufficient to show a criminal conspiracy. Mueller did not exonerate Trump of the crime of obstruction of justice. Barr and the Justice Department’s No. 2 official, Rod Rosenstein, then determined there was insufficient evidence to establish that the president committed obstruction of justice.

Barr, appointed by Trump, will tell the committee it is up lawmakers and the public to decide what to do with Mueller’s findings now that the Justice Department has essentially completed its work on the matter.

“The exercise of responding and reacting to the report is a matter for the American people and the political process,” Barr will tell members of the committee, according to prepared testimony.

Mueller complained that Barr did not “fully capture the context, nature and substance of this Office’s work” shortly after Barr released a four-page letter in March stating the inquiry’s main conclusions. The letter, first reported by the Washington Post, was released on Wednesday.

Democratic lawmakers, already upset at Barr’s handling of the report, reacted furiously, with Senator Mark Warner saying Barr “has lost all credibility.” Four Senate Democrats asked the Justice Department’s inspector general in a letter on Tuesday to investigate how Barr had rolled out the report.

Jerrold Nadler, the Democratic chairman of the U.S. House Judiciary Committee, said an agreement has been reached to have Mueller testify to Congress on his investigation. Nadler told reporters the agreement was for Mueller to testify sometime in May, but that a specific date had yet to be agreed upon.


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05/04/19 12:34 PM

#309852 RE: benzdealeror2 #309423

Actually the investigation was into Russian attempts to fuck with the election and whether the dump campaign conspired with them.

So get your facts straight, traitor.

That said said it is clear from the facts that the campaign did indeed collude. It didn't show criminal conspiracy but there was clear evidence. There's also the statements that records were destroyed and encrypted communications apps used.

Let's also consider that they welcomed and encouraged an attack on our democracy.

Further, the special counsel found that he wasn't able to charge a sitting president on obstruction. Because of policy, not evidentiary issues.

Manafort was charged with numerous financial crimes, not just tax evasion.

Stone... Flynn.... Papdopoulos... The guy in California selling fake IDs...

You're just a liar.