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04/30/19 7:00 PM

#309344 RE: benzdealeror2 #309343

Well there ya go... who the hell can believe ANYTHING that cocksucker says since he has a daily habit of lying about things for no apparent reason. Time for YOU to get serious about the idiot you adore.

When caught in a heinous lie, the best you can get in terms of clarification is that it was a joke. His spokes-troll has no credibility either, so it makes our government look pretty reliable, eh?


04/30/19 7:13 PM

#309346 RE: benzdealeror2 #309343

An unreliable, lying, unprincipled and unplanned idiot who doesn't listen to his intelligence community makes him a pretty sound leader of the free world, eh? The responsible countries already have his number and thus, very responsibly, ignore him. Our standing in the world community could best be characterized as "joke". And he did it all by himself. Glad you trust him. No rational person does, just ask anyone who has worked with him, including our generals.

So you think that he trusted his intelligence community for the proper evaluation or as usual, just made shit up?

Militarily, he is a worst case scenario.


04/30/19 7:16 PM

#309349 RE: benzdealeror2 #309343

The fucking cubans can't afford a car that's a later model than 1979 and you think that they have some kind of formidable military force??????

If you told me that to my face I would have to apologize for the excess spit from my laughter back in yours.

Nobody with a functioning brain believes this shit anymore. How fucking pathetic can you be?