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04/29/19 10:11 AM

#395 RE: OldAIMGuy #394

A normal exit to use the principal and collect the D game by some...
They will come back in when the dust settles and the middle of the cycle turns attention away till next modest rise in D is announced,... But you can see more money made shorting right before ex and covering here, against the longs like us. Play the players

This stock is one where you either hold it all cuz your basis is so tiny you don't want the tax implications,
or you play it swing trading the channel. It has proven solid which ever way you trade it,... within the cycle.

The company would like to see a better $30 + valuation no doubt because they run a great safe haven cash flow machine. Core holders are content with the yield and non taxed return of capital.


04/29/19 3:49 PM

#396 RE: OldAIMGuy #394

Nice rebound on Ex-day.

Dont understand the race to exit at open unless it is machine automatic, no connection to a brain...

They will play the DRIP on pay date too, I suppose.