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09/23/03 6:16 PM

#13932 RE: imho #13931

imho, from what I've heard about the ramp, these are about all AMD can support for now. I expect we'll hear more coming on board as the supply grows.


09/23/03 6:35 PM

#13936 RE: imho #13931

IMHO, From the tone of the above post

Excuse me, I gave an overview of the expectations in the media, and said it will be interesting to see if they´re right (as that could determine the stock´s direction). Nothing else.

Rather disappointing don't you think?

I haven´t seen anything today that has dissapointed me in any way. More than 100 desktop models available within the first month after launch, the announcement of dual-processor and mobile chipsets from Nvidia, the firm Microsoft commitment, retail avalability of A64 all over the world, a huge leap in performance of K8 over K7 with unprecedented chipset support, word from AMD that the ramp will be as inofficial numbers have suggested, first signs of the potential of 64bit ports, and much more couldn´t possibly leave me dissapointed, no.

Dell and Gateway have announced support for P4EE, so it was pretty obvious they couldn´t be onboard for the launch. The volumes required wouldn´t be there for this year anyway.

Apple, Sun? I do get the impression that you don´t really know what you´re talking about. And if you invest based on Inquirer stories and "diehard AMDer´s" tales, you´re lost already.


09/23/03 10:45 PM

#13971 RE: imho #13931

"Re: Riddle Me This Batman
by: amddj 09/23/03 03:12 am
Msg: 855073 of 855075

Im betting its # 1) maybe #2).

(Im as confused as you are!)

Suppose the Prescott can only be released on December 3rd at a lower clock speed so it doesnt burn up?

Maybe the rumored 2.6 GHz and 2.8 GHz versions werent rumors?"

No, AMD cannot claim dell or gateway. However thiers a ton of white box and screwdriver shops offering systems. Google it and you will see what I mean. With all due respect the chips were just launched today. When the P4 3.o and later the 3.2 were launched they were not availible in any numbers. Dealer friends tell me the P4 3.2 has just become rather easy to get ahold of. The emergency edition wont be readely availible for a number of weeks from what we were told by intel themselves. But wait...the prescwatt is supposed to arrive on 12-03-03, strange??? I dont anticipate AMD turning a profit this quarter, it's very possible they may be cash flow positive. And no, I certainly dont expect another 1999 surprise. I will say this for AMD. Apparently samples have been out for some time under NDA. The other guy's from what I can gather have yet to see the p4ee yet? We all know the P4ee is a xion.
Interesting...err or is it desparate times?

PS: I dont blame intc for the desparete move, it's no fun to be caught with your pants down!