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04/29/19 12:08 AM

#8210 RE: clarence2society #8209

Just because you’ve invested in a shill doesn’t make all companies the same as bvtk. Bvtk has all the signs of a company with no future just empty promises. The funny thing is that it seems like a lot of green “investors” began with bvtk and didn’t really understand what they were getting into. Everyone thinks that you can invest in a small cap stock and with any type of hyped growth you could double your money or more. It’s bullshit and only new inexperienced traders believe that shit. Once in a great great while will anyone get lucky to hold onto or be in a stock the day it rockets 1000% or more or even 200%. There are so many factors that a lot of these “investors” didn’t look at. Here on the otc, you get burned more times than not. It’s a part of the game. You either learn from your mistakes or not.
One thing you need to remember about iddr is that they were a company with a great product before Cellucci. There has been no business done with iddr just false promises on cellucci’s side. So to group every company in with bvtk a sham just goes to show you haven’t learned nothing yet and maybe you’re just not willing to because you think you have it all figured out.
Looking back at your old posts you only follow bvtk and it’s map partners which show that you were one of those green investors. So either you can learn and move on or you can be sour at a shit investment you made because of your lack of knowledge in the otc. It’s all up to you. But all your post have no value in them just a bunch of crying. Sometimes you just need to look at yourself and stop blaming others.