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04/26/19 10:12 AM

#27926 RE: Tom Swift #27925

Ain't it the truth. There's even a PR where Harry is quoted complimenting the Ohio State work for removing the patented "spider bearing" and achieving dramatic reductions in noise, vibration and parts count and making them think the engines would soon be able to meet Phoenix's 200 hour run time requirement.

And then.... As soon as Ohio State stopped being paid, Harry Schoell went right back to designing engines with his discredited "spider bearing". In the years since he has not been able to get an engine to survive for 200 hours without self destructing, or 50 hours, or even 10 hours.

Same with water lubrication. A continuous utter and complete failure since day 1. They've tried every bearing combination known to man and haven't been able to find anything even remotely suitable. Ohio State confirmed this and recommended a research program to invent new bearing materials (which Cyclone hasn't done).

And yet, Frankie is still lying to investors saying things like hybrid ceramic-steel ball bearings will solve the lubrication problems. A month ago someone posted a message from Frankie showing that she is still trading in insider information, and still deceiving shareholders.

Harry has no intention of making a steam engine that actually works, and Frankie has no intention of telling the truth to investors.

But hey, in six months there will be not one, but four engine models in production! Step right up and give us some more money!