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04/23/19 7:14 PM

#42835 RE: Moneytree420 #42834

What reserves would those be?

EEGC to tap oil reserves...

Can you identify a single permit that EEGC (or any affiliate) has with MRT to drill for oil?

No, because they have none. They have absolutely ZERO square inches of land they could drill on, even if (1) some drunk gave them the money to do so and (2) (even less likely) if MadMal didn't immediately divert all the cash into his Isle of Man offshore account.

They have no leases.

They have no money.

They have no chance.

Bonus question: How many barrels of oil have commercial drillers extracted from Tasmania in the past 3.5 billion years?

Hint: the answer is an integer, and it lies midway between -1 and 1


04/24/19 6:20 PM

#42836 RE: Moneytree420 #42834

It's bad news for drivers that prices at the pump are rising because of Iran and Libya. Let's hope those who overloaded the boat with worthless EEGC stock still have enough left to buy a push bike or even a skateboard if they are really hard up.